Chapter 4

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Continuation :-

Jin was chasing hobi and ken  who were running  from him.

And Tae, Jk, Yuna were walking towards them, none of them notice each other but all others student were watching TJY bickering , some admire their friendship some are jealously....

On the other hand people are laughing at ken and hobi running for their life and all got fixed to their places after watching scene in front of them....

All are in shock and both of the friends are in daze , their inner mind was screaming.....

' what the fuck just happened here'
Four members mind was screaming this like a chant in their head....

Not only with them this is happening with all the people present their are feeling the samesame as them.

Because Jin bumped with Jungkook and lost his balance but before he could fall Jungkook catch in his arms when Jin saw who is holding both the men lost in each other eyes and looking at each other like they don't belong to this world at all

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Because Jin bumped with Jungkook and lost his balance but before he could fall Jungkook catch in his arms when Jin saw who is holding both the men lost in each other eyes and looking at each other like they don't belong to this world at all..

It is not the first time both seeing each other, even though today they both something starnger a tingle sensation in their body by each other touch...

Jin lost himself in those bambi eyes which hold so much of love and jungkook lost himself in those alpaca eyes,...

But they got sperated when they heard a bitch voice not even bitch suits her she is more than a bitch...

Jin thought I got up by looking at her annoyingly soodam was annoying as hell in Jin's eyes....

" Ohh ohh what happened to you Jungkook baby, are you alright " She was showing fake concerns towards jungkook which made him sighed and Jin rolled his eyes....

" Who are you referring as baby aunty " People present their laughed at Jungkook words not only them even their friends suppressing their smile but they couldn't hold back....

Hobi was the first who started to laugh like crazy man present their which made Taehyung to look at his face and whispered to himself...

" Why didn't I notice this face of yours which is more cuter to my eyes hyung" He whispered making Jungkook to turned towards him because he heard his words and shocked to hear apart from his appa he never say those chessy words to anyone...

" What? " " Nothing just let's go and you all show is over get back to your work and you stop middling in myatters because the clam I look I'm not that clam hmm "

" You you don't appreciate someone is worried for you "

" No and I don't think you should have any problem "

" Your a  brute really you are brute "

" Thanks I take it as compliment " He smirk at her who was leaving fuming in angry with her friends following...

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