Chapter 59: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Part I

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Moegi felt a deep sense of satisfaction as she slowly awoke to her new life as one of Naruto's lovers. She moaned in phantom pleasure as she remembered being taken in a variety of ways, which ended with her being carried off to be fucked one last time in the large shower room located between the Master Bedroom and Club N. They had then dedicated themselves to cleaning themselves up in order to get some sleep. Naruto had finished first, and left her alone to freshen up the bed.

As she had stood under the water, she had expected to feel some sense of nervousness in regards to her being bound to a man that could make her do anything he wished, However, instead all she felt was a sense of contentment, especially as she could still feel the seed he had deposited in her leaking out. After her shower, she had moved to a mirror to study herself. Having removed the remaining bungee and placing it around her wrist so as to not lose it, she considered how best to wear her hair. The reason behind her desire was that while it may have seemed rather silly on the surface to say she had changed as a result of the day's activities, still she felt sleeping with Naruto had made her a bit more mature. She knew it wasn't the sex, since more often than not it could show just how immature the ill prepared were as she knew a few kunoichi that had needed to put their careers on the backburner upon receiving unexpected buns in the oven. Not to mention, she knew a few shinobi that had gotten roped into marrying said kunoichi in what were considered crossbow weddings.

Yet, considering all that she had learned, in between the bouts of lovemaking, about Naruto and his Family's ambitions. She couldn't help feeling that being with Naruto had truly been a mind-blowing experience. One that hadn't been exclusively related to the sex. Standing in front of the mirror, she had giggled to herself as she realized that perhaps she wasn't all that different from the kunoichi and shinobi that she knew whose lives had taken a drastic direction because of an impulsive choice where one hadn't considered all the ramifications of what could happen. But, she didn't regret it in the slightest, as she found she was only worried about being able to measure up to the challenges that she knew Naruto would face as she wanted to support him.

Deciding on a more sophisticated look, Moegi took the tie from her wrist and pulled her hair into a ponytail that was slightly off center at the base of her skull and caused her hair to rest over her right shoulder. She had smiled and decided it was much better than just reversing the direction of her pigtails, thinking that would be similar to just a lazy artists way of showing the passage of time, as she had been considering doing.

She had then headed out to the bedroom, and found Naruto in the last stages of making up the bed. Upon his noticing her, he asked, "Going for a new look now?"

She had nodded, while replying, "To go with the new life tomorrow's going to bring."

He had smiled at her as he approached her in order to give her a light kiss, after which he had picked her up in his arms. She laughed happily as he carried her to the bed like a bride while stating, "You don't have to go changing on my account."

Moegi quickly shook her head as she replied, "It isn't. I've just felt that considering the new perspective that I've been shown today, that maybe a new hairstyle would be appropriate. But, I'm still your sweet, if not so innocent anymore, Moegi."

Naruto laughed before setting her on the bed and jokingly stating, "Something the old sheets would attest to."

Moegi smiled as he laid down beside her, allowing her to cuddle up into him and enjoy the feeling of his warmth seeping into her. Using his shoulder as a pillow, she quickly found that sleep had overtaken her.

A sleep which as she became more aware had left her almost in the exact position she remembered taking the night before. She could feel Naruto's hand on the small of her back, and was amused as that was also where her fox mark was. She had chosen the location specifically due to the notion that women who had tattoos there were thought to be rather promiscuous, which although she didn't expect to show it off regularly to random people on the street. It excited her knowing that it marked that side of her which belonged to Naruto now.

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