Chapter 26: Target Maki

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"I had no idea that you had already expanded your influence outside the village," a naked Yakumo said as she sat in an equally naked Naruto's lap while holding his specialized Bingo Book. They were sitting in his brown chair staring out the window as the sun rose over the village. Naruto had been tracing his finger over his lover's back absentmindedly as she looked through the book seeing who had a red X through their pictures and who didn't. When she had come to hers, she had smiled at him as she drew the X over her picture as well.

Leaning forward, he looked at whose photograph she was on and saw it was Temari's. "Yeah, but just barely," he said leaning back in the chair. He explained the how's and why's of the kunoichi he had charmed outside of Konoha before drifting off into silence again.

Yakumo frowned before grinding her ass into Naruto's lap. It did the trick causing him to focus on her again as she said, "I think I should be upset that I'm sitting in your lap naked and it seems you'd rather be a million miles away."

"Sorry," Naruto said giving a half-smile, "I don't mean to be spacing out on you. It's just I'm having a hard time figuring out what I should do."

"About what?" Yakumo asked leaning back as she rested the open book face down on the arm rest.

Naruto remained silent for several moments before replying, "It's the tension growing between the shinobi in the training force. Things seem to be reaching a boiling point, but I'm not sure what can be done to stop it. According to Tsunade things are getting worse not better even with those who start fights being transferred and I don't know how to fix the problem. As I see it is the villages have been at each other's throats for so long that even those who have never actually met a shinobi from another village would still harbor hatred for them."

Yakumo nodded, knowing the truth of what Naruto was saying. She had never met a shinobi of Iwa, but had harbored anger at the country since a shinobi from there had been behind her uncle's injury. "Healing such hatred is going to be difficult."

"Yeah," the blond said seriously, "I've been wondering if healing such irrational hatred is even possible. I have something in the works to give me some insight, but it may be a while before it bears fruit. Yet that isn't going to help us in the here and now." Naruto rested his head against his hand as his elbow sat on the armrest. Blowing out a breath nosily he said, "I suppose instead of just sitting here thinking about the problem my best course of action would be to go do something about."

"Like what?"

"I don't know," the blond admitted, "but I'll come up with something."

Yakumo smiled sweetly and leaned her head against his shoulder kissed his cheek before whispering, "I know you will." Sitting up straighter in his lap she picked the book back up and asked, "Who are you going after next?"

Naruto did a one shoulder shrug as he answered by saying, "To be honest, I don't know that either. I haven't really actively targeted anyone for my ambition in months. Not since Shiho."

"What about me?" Yakumo asked, "I'm a valuable asset for your goal."

Naruto kissed her shoulder before saying, "That was never in doubt. But, you seduced me remember. The truth is now that our influence in Konoha is secured, the real hard part is next and I don't know where to begin. Except for a few women I've met in my various missions outside of the village. I don't really have any real connections to rely on."

Yakumo flipped to the entry after Matsuri in the Bingo Book to the first unmarked kunoichi and asked, "Why not start with seducing a woman in a village we already have close ties too." Flipping the book around, she showed him the entry for an attractive kunoichi with blue eyes. She had dark hair that was barely visible beneath the turban she was wearing whose cloth sides also covered some of the purple markings on her cheeks.

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