Chapter 7: Target Temari

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Naruto was sitting in his chair as he watched Yuugao sleeping in his bed. It was approaching diner time and despite feeling the urge to take a nap, he refused to get into the bed with the woman. Mainly because he didn't want to assume too much with her after all she could wake up and be quite upset with what had happened. In case that was the scenario Naruto had made sure all her weapons were far from her reach. He was just beginning to doze off when he heard a knocking at his door that startled him, causing him to knock over Yuugao's sword that had been resting against his chair.

He knew it wasn't Tayuya returning from whatever Tsunade had her doing around Konoha since she simply entered through the window. He also figured it couldn't be any of his other lovers as even though he had begun to lock his door he had given them all keys. Deciding to ignore it he heard Sakura say, "Naruto, I know you're in there."

"Damn," he cursed under his breath returning his gaze to Yuugao. Although he had left her dressed in her Anbu clothing minus the armor portions he knew he'd have a hard time explaining why an Anbu was sleeping in his bed.
Moving to his door, he opened it only enough to slip out saying, "Hey... what's up?"

"Why don't you tell me," Sakura responded her voice giving away how upset she was by his disappearance from her life. "You're the one that's been avoiding me."

"No I haven't, I've just been busy," Naruto said, but even he had to admit it was a half truth.

"But not too busy to find Ino and Hinata in order to ask them to train with you," Sakura countered.

"Look Sakura, I ran into them when I was looking for people," Naruto lied as smoothly as possible, "Same with Tsunade, she's the one that told me you had a shift at the hospital."

"Oh... so what are you training in?"

"Can't say," Naruto replied. Sakura narrowed her eyes feeling betrayed as he defensively said, "Hey take it up with Tsunade. She's the one that banned me from using or talking about it. She says it's not ready yet and doesn't want word to spread about it."

Sakura wasn't entirely convinced but since Naruto hadn't sent her packing yet asked, "Do you mind if I come in to visit?"

Feeling panicked Naruto said, "Actually I do." When Sakura's eyes went wide in hurt and tears began to enter them he said, "Sorry, that didn't come out right. It's just the place is a mess. How about we go to Ichiraku for some dinner?" Sakura nodded so Naruto locked his door hoping that Yuugao would keep until he got back.


Yuugao woke up slowly, which for an Anbu in the field could spell death. But for one that had her first sexual experience in over three years was probably to be expected. She knew it hadn't been a dream, despite having yet to take stock of her surrounds, as it was the only way to explain the small aches and pains of muscles used solely during sex. As well as the fact that the her sexual urges that while having bothered her the most during her week of training with Naruto and had been an omnipresent distraction over the three years she had gone without were now gone.

Sitting up in the bed she occupied, she was surprised to find that except for her armor and weapons that she was dressed and about as clean as she could expect all things considering minus a shower. Leaving the bed she wondered where Naruto had gone to, figuring the unfamiliar apartment was his, but as she made her way around the room she began to feel guilty for her actions. It wasn't just a sense of betrayal to her previous lover, but stemmed from a sense of responsibility that she should have maintained control of herself.

She knew what she needed to do, but before that she decided to take a shower. After stripping, she stepped into his shower and was surprised to find that it had a couple of different shampoos used primarily by women. As the water ran over her, she tried to not only understand exactly what had happened, but why Ayame would take part in it. Yet, regardless of that she knew the fault was hers, as she should have been able to resist. She laughed mirthlessly as she should probably consider mentioning him to the head of the intelligence gathering division considering his skill at seducing women.

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