chapter 31

604 23 43

word count - 3982

as hisoka stood there before you, he quickly and bluntly addressed your pondering question. "this was all they had. you can sleep here, or out in the hallway."

"ok but-"

"I'm gonna shower. you should do the same. then we leave tomorrow." he dismissed

you shook your head in confusion, chasing him back to the bathroom. "leave? hisoka wh-" he slammed the door in your face, and all you could do was stand there dumbfounded.

being the petty person you are, you refused to shower in the same tub as someone with an attitude like that. so, you left the room and headed for the public showers downstairs by the pool instead.

still not knowing what hisokas problem was, you decided to address it tonight. he wanted to leave when you hadn't collected all of the cards yet. something was wrong. plus, you didn't want to sleep in the same room with him at this point.

besides being kidnapped, you were enjoying Greed Island. and you believed you and hisoka could clear it. plus, he was the one who wanted to come here in the first place, so why leave now? why so soon?

either way, you wanted to figure out what type of stick was shoved up his ass for him to be acting this way. the pressure was up, especially after that fight with genthru. and you wanted anserws.

after heading downstairs, the showers were surprisingly private..but then you remembered why they were considering the city you were in.

it was a huge private stall with a door instead of a curtain. there was a small ledge in the corner with a mirror. the floors were marble red, walls white. they provided shampoo, conditioner, face wash, and three types of body washes.

you overthought the day in the shower, wishing today and yesterday didn't exist. if there was a chance of you encountering more assholes like genthru, part of you didn't want to stay.

you washed the regret away in the drain knowing that if you hadn't killed genthru, you'd be dead right now. trying to look at the brighter side of things, you concluded today was good for development.

the hot water on your shoulder and face felt more than appealing to your injuries. there was indeed a small bruise on your lower jaw and an even bigger one on your shoulder blade. you turned the water up almost as high as it could go, steaming up the area.

after losing track of time under the hot water, you took your queue to leave when you heard groaning coming from the shower next to you.

dressing in clean pyjama clothes that were provided, you scurried out of the showers.

arriving back into the room, you already regretted being there. hisoka was just exiting the bathroom as well. he wore pyjama pants while his wet hair dripped onto his damp t-shirt.

you smelt the strong scent of his body wash exit with him as he brushed past nearly nudging you. That was your last nerve.

"What is your problem?" you addressed

truth be told, hisokas problem was you.

hisoka wasn't going to come to help you. his original plan was to leave you with genthru to die. but during the last two hours of your time, he changed his mind. why? he didn't know. or rather he didn't want to know.

he shut out the fact that he wanted to help you. not because he admired your power, not because it was beneficial to him, but because he simply wanted to help you. and he had never wanted to help anyone before

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