chapter 28

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🖤 enjoy the chapter 🧡

Word count - 4831

After a 3-hour drive, you and hisoka approached a four-story private stay in Yorkbain. the location suggested that it was a motel, but hisoka insisted it was a hotel.

The hotel was located at the top of a hill, giving the perfect look off to the city. Hisoka had booked two separate rooms beside one another. The rooms were tiny.  There was only a double bed with a small nightstand and a bathroom next to it. But you didn't verbally complain. it was only one night, and you were grateful to have a place to sleep.

staring out the window from your room observing the sunset, you got an overwhelming feeling of sickness. it felt wrong to be here. you wondered if leorio and the boys felt the same emptiness. after losing kurapika, nothing has felt the same.

"enjoying the view?" hisoka leaned against the doorway with your bag.

"Yeah, it's nice" you responded trying to ignore the awkwardness floating between the two of you.

"Get some rest. you'll need it" he insisted, placing the bag down on the bed. "I'll come see you in the morning."

he shut the door giving you privacy once more. you heard his door close a few seconds later.

considering it was only around 8 p.m., you wondered if over eight hours of sleep was necessary.

while the sunset still shone through your window, you thought about leorio once again. he was most likely feeling the same way you were right now. and that was the immense feeling of guilt.

but for what? for living your life? for trying to move on? you couldn't figure it out. you didn't know why, but the feeling lingered

dialing leorios number, you waited to hear his voice on the other side of the line. there was no response. you called again. The second time he picked up.


"leorio," you sighed in relief  "How are you?" you asked while closing the curtains and sitting down on the bed.

there was a slight pause before he responded with; "I could be better. How have you been know"

you reminisced the times of soaking your pillows with your tears and avoiding doing anything at all during the day "I guess you could say I'm doing better now." You glanced at the wall to hisokas room knowing you had him to thank for that.

leorio kept you on the phone for almost 15 minutes. he caught up with you, and told you how school was going. he even mentioned meeting a woman, but refused to give you further details because he was "unsure" of it.

you missed him. it was certain that you and him had more than a friendship bond. there was now a trauma bond as well. you made him promise to come back into town for your birthday in November and for Christmas. so he did before ending the call.

when you hung up, you took a long shower. By the time you were finished, the sun had fully set, and the moon had risen with the stars in the sky. you flopped into bed, and before you knew it, you fell asleep.

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