chapter 11

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Word count - 2140

   Hisoka waved a taxi over and escorted you inside.

The drive was uncomfortably quiet. You attempted to distract yourself by staring out the window or pretending to be on your phone.

After about 20 minutes, the car slowed and pulled over in front of a restaurant. you could tell this was a restaurant specifically designed for dates, and couples poured in and out of the building.

Hisoka got out first and opened the car door for you. As you stepped out of the taxi, you took in the view. The restaurant was on the other side of town, so you were able to see most of York new across the water.

You never realized how beautiful the city was. especially at night. You stood to admire it for a moment before hisoka chimed in.

"I was hoping you'd like the view" he commented behind you

You gave him a small smile "I love it. I forgot how beautiful york new can be" he silently agreed as he escorted you inside the restaurant.

You were both seated at the reservation hisoka made. The place had two floors. Of course, hisoka being Hisoka, he reserved a booth on the second floor in a private sector with 3 other booths. Although those 3 booths were empty.

The booth you were seated at was against a large window that took up most of the wall, allowing you to have a view of the water and York New.

"This is..nice," you said breaking the silence. that wasn't a lie. In fact, it was an understatement. you were surprised at the amount of effort hisoka put into this date. and it wasn't over yet.

"I'm glad you like it~" hisoka replied

"I've never actually been to this side of town. Is it always this quiet?" you asked attempting to get rid of the awkwardness

"Usually," hisoka answered "This side of town isn't so..pleasant you could say. People wise."

You gave him a puzzled look, indicating for him to elaborate

"High business owners, a few mafia leaders, and rich people live on this side." hisoka went on

"How do you know that?" you asked

"A magician knows a lot of things" He smirked

You cringed but laughed inside your head. hisoka was charming in his own way. and you despised how that piqued your interest in him. he was his own person, with a high ego. no matter what he did, he always seemed so sure of himself

Hisoka picked up the menu and you unintentionally mimicked him doing the same. You analyzed him as he read through the menu. His golden orbs scanned through the words on the page.

Even now, he is such a mysterious person. You wondered, what did he truly want from you? What's his background? Who is he truly inside behind the facade he displays?

"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" you blurted

"Go ahead," he said looking up from the menu

You set down your menu and crossed your hands. "Do you have a family? Siblings, cousins, parents..?" After asking the question, you realize you may have crossed a line

Hisoka's smile faded, and he was quiet for a few heartbeats. he didn't look sad, but rather uninterested in the topic.

"I don't, no.  I'm alone. I lost my parents and younger sister when I was 13. If I have more family out there, I'm not aware of them " he replied

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