chapter 13

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⚠️trigger warning. talk of S/A in this chapter. ⚠️

word count - 3287

You tried harshly blinking to make sure this wasn't a dream.

Squeezing the wine glass, you laughed hysterically

Should I run? no that's stupid. I can't let illumi find out we know each other. who knows what he'd do? chrollos gonna disrupt the mission. if Azrian comes back while Chrollo is still here, how will I get him to a private area? gotta find a way out, I gotta-

"You..okay? Did I scare you?" Chrollo said leaning to the side to get your eye attention

"No! No, you didn't" You set the wine glass down. "I'm just surprised I guess" You pretend to scratch your ear as you secretly took out the earpiece and held it in your left hand.

"I didn't expect you to be here either," you said trying to revive the conversation "What are doing here chrollo?"

"I think I should be asking you that question y/n" He sat down beside you on the window sill

"It's dangerous here. especially for someone like you"

Someone like me?

you actually liked chrollo, but it threw you off seeing him here. after all, he was just some guy you met a few weeks ago. you had no true idea of who he was, or better yet what he does.

is he a mafia leader? you thought

"Don't worry about me, I'm here with my...older...cousin" you lied "and he's pretty overprotective"

"I see," he said looking toward the crowd

You felt your hand buzz. illumi was trying to contact you, but you squeezed your hand hoping it'd reduce the sound

"You here alone?" you asked

chrollo gave you an odd look, as if he was deciding whether to lie or tell the truth

"yeah," he answered "I'm just here to take care of some business"


"Sorry to meet again like this" you apologized feeling embarrassed "This isn't usually me,"  you said signalling to your outfit

"That's quite alright. we can't control the future. and you look lovely." He compliments

you smiled feeling your face get warm. but you quickly snapped out of his charm, once again realizing the situation at hand

"I don't mean to be rude, but I shouldn't be seen with you. my cousin is... not.. a reasonable person. if he saw you talking to me, he might quite literally have your head" you said trying to leave the situation

you didn't want to leave, but if you were to fuck up this mission, you could die. Even Illumi could die. his words, not yours

getting chrollo away from the situation was the best possible option.

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