chapter 20

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word count - 3568

Chrollo stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets. His face lit up at the sight of you.

you weren't expecting him to come by, but in all fairness, he did warn you that he would come to visit once in a while. for a moment, you wondered how he found your apartment number, but then you remembered that they are listed downstairs in the lobby like any other apartment complex.

You liked chrollo, and you knew he liked you back. If he didn't like you, would he be at your apartment right now?

But what does "like" really mean? the two of you didn't exactly have an established relationship yet. at least not out loud. were you friends? good friends? potential partners? you didn't know.

you've never actually had a real relationship before. you've had close friends, but nothing too intimate. sure, you've had boyfriends and girlfriends when you were younger, but that was different. it wasn't real love.

it was comforting to think you guys were just friends. you hoped he thought the same. but now that you look at him, he is pretty attractive too

he wore a white, tight-fit shirt that outlined his tone perfectly. his black sweatpants were intentionally baggy, but even so, you could still see the outline of his shape

"how are you?" he greeted you again

you didn't even realize you were zoning out until he spoke. "I-I'm okay" you gave an awkward smile "Come in," moving aside, chrollo casually accepted your offer.

"you've got a nice place here" he complimented admiring your decorations, and the apartment overall

closing the door, you focused back on chrollo. his back was facing you as he continued to view your living space.

you couldn't see his facial expression, which gave you a bit of anxiety. It was like he could read your mind because chrollo turned around, giving you a half smile

his grey eyes pierced your skin, and you felt the air grow thick

there was an awkward silence for a few seconds now, which felt more like five minutes. you wanted to say "thank you" but no words came out. instead, you stupidly smiled, then decided it was too late to say anything at all

"do you want something to drink?" you offered pointing to the kitchen.

"Sure" he replied, following you to the fridge "I'll just have some water"

you nodded grabbing a glass from the cupboard, and a jug of water from the fridge

chrollo leaned over the kitchen island, using his forearms to prop himself up.

you notice that he has the headband upon his forehead again. you picked up on the detail that he only ever wore that if he wasn't around phantom troupe. This makes perfect sense, considering the tattoo is for the phantom troupe.

"Here you go," you said, placing the glass down in front of him.

Chrollo once again smiled, but it looked forced this time. Taking a closer look at him you noticed that he had small bags underneath his eyes.

who's next?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora