Chapter 7: Aunt's House

Start from the beginning

Patrick: Hmm, that sure smells good. Whatever is coming from the kitchen, Aunt Elisa.

Aunt Elisa: I cooked some food in case you and Erica get hungry.

Aunt Elisa: I hope you will love what I made. First time, I cooked something so elaborate.

Patrick: I'm totally starving. You know I can never say no to your food.

Aunt Elisa: She smiled and said. That's lovely to hear, Patrick. Why don't we all sit down and eat?

Aunt Elisa: Kyle, dear. Can you please help me set the table?

Kyle: Right away, mom!

Patrick: I'll go get the chopsticks and bowls out!

After they finish setting the table with eating utensils and the prepared meals, they start eating together and chatting at the same time.

Erica: Everything tastes wonderful! Your cooking is amazing, aunty!

Erica: I give a 10 for everything you made. Especially the roast duck!

Aunt Elisa: Aww, thank you so much for your kind words, darling Erica.

Aunt Elisa: You can eat as much as you like! Food won't go anywhere.

Patrick: Little Erica is right. The roast duck tastes better than any Chinese restaurant we've been to.

Patrick: Also, it pairs really well with hot sauce on fried rice. I could eat this and not be full.

Kyle: He thought to himself. Patrick and Erica are both very kind and honest towards my aunt.

Kyle: On the inside. Unlike those who accuse her of "copying" other known dishes.

Aunt Elisa: So, Patrick and Erica...How is school going for you both?

Erica: School is fun! My teacher Miss Simpkins rocks!

Erica: She always gives us a piece of candy if we answer questions right in class.

Erica: Last Friday, we counted the "lucky stars" we got in total and I happened to get the most out of my class.

Erica: So Miss Simpkins allowed me to choose a price for myself.

Aunt Elisa: Fantastic, Erica. Your mom must be happy for you.

Aunt Elisa: She turned to Patrick. How about you, Patrick? Still receiving top marks?

Patrick: Not too sure, but generally speaking, I should be getting As.

Patrick: I'll let my scores speak for themselves on exams.

In the afternoon, Patrick and his cousin Kyle decided to exercise together in the gym with Isaac. While Patrick and Kyle were running on treadmills, Isaac was using the pull up machine.

Patrick: Erica and I are staying over at Kyle's house for a week...

Patrick: So if I go to school from another route, that's why man...

Isaac: That sounds like a party. Tell your aunt that I should live with you both too.

Patrick: Haha, not sure about that.

Deep down, Patrick was thinking about the crazy, fun moments he shared with Matilda and Kyle caught him drifting away in his thoughts.

Kyle: Patrick, aren't you planning on studying this evening? I heard you have a physics exam coming up.

Patrick: Relax...I got this. I know what I'm doing!

Kyle: Physics 2 isn't a piece of cake. Don't get too cocky or chill over it.

Patrick: I already retained everything I learned in class. No need for me to worry about it.

Kyle: You look like you have something on your mind...Wanna talk about it, man?

Patrick: I have a secret and you probably didn't know this, but I-

Kyle: Secret? You can tell me anything. You know I'll never judge.

Kyle: Remember the time I told you I fell off a treadmill on my first day at this gym?

Kyle ran so fast on his treadmill, that he lost his balance and hit his face flat on the floor as he slipped.

Kyle: Damn...Oww.

Patrick and Isaac both laughed so hard.

Patrick: Happened as soon as you said it hahaha!

Isaac: He chuckled. You should have seen your face...Looked like you were gonna pee your pants.

Kyle: Got up and said, What the hell?! You guys are really insensitive sometimes...

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