48. unexpected turn

Start from the beginning

"Is, I- I can't." I try to tell her.

She interrupts me "But you can! Come on, I know that you feel the same way as I do! I know that you want us to be together!"


But instead of letting me continue my sentence, she says "No, you know that I'm right!"

I take a moment before finally agreeing with her "I know."

She moves even closer to me, if that's even possible at this point, taking both of my hands and looking deeply into my eyes. I can't help but think about how beautiful she looks when she's this close to me. I can't help but stare at her lips, wanting to kiss her.

"So, let's do this." She speaks softly "Let's give this another go."

But instead of telling her that she's crazy, I find myself agreeing with her "Okay."

"Good." She smiles and I can't take my eyes off of her lips.

So I give in to my desires, moving in closer to her and attaching my lips to hers. I kiss her softly, taking it in as I realise that I've been craving it for a long time. I feel all of the memories flooding back as we connect again and it allows me to see that I've always wanted her.

After a while, we finally pull away from the kiss. I watch as she focuses on the floor, giggling to herself. I smile as I notice just how giddy she seems and it makes me feel happy.

And then when she finally looks at me again, she says "So, you're serious about this? You really want to be with me?"

"Yeah, I- I do..." I admit.

And then she says "So, you and me together again? How does that sound?"

I smile as she says that to me "I'd like that."

"And you'd also like to tell your girlfriend all of my secrets..." I hear her say to me, my stomach immediately dropping.


Suddenly, her mood seems to change. She has a look of anger in her eyes and I begin to realise that this was all a trick. And I know that she can see just how shocked I am right now and I know that she's loving it.

"What?!" I ask her, furrowing my brows.

She laughs, stepping away from me "Yeah, that's right! I know that you told her about my abortion!"

"Look, I-." I try to explain yet she's so angry that she doesn't let me talk.

She walks around me, looking at my body with disgust in her eyes "No, don't come up with some shitty excuse! Those walls were paper thin and Gabriella heard everything! Fuck, I must've been stupid to believe that you actually cared about me!"

I grab my bag so that I can get out of here as I'm certainly not in the mood for an argument right now. I'm already angry enough and I'm sure to explode if she continues to talk to me like this.

"Is, I'm sorry. I just need to get out of-." I make an attempt to leave yet I realise that I can't.

"Thought you could walk out of here without paying for what you've done to me?" She asks me "You really don't know me that well then."

My heart thumps quickly against my chest as I realise that we're now not alone. I look at the several girls that are crowded near the exit, clearly blocking me from leaving. They all look excited for something and I instantly realise what's going to happen.

Isabella is notorious for leaving people bruised. When we were dating, she'd left another girl bleeding at a park just across the street from my house. I still remember the blood and the look on her face as she enjoyed every second of it. I just know that this can't be good...

"Isabella, just let me go." I plead, not wanting to do this right now.

"Oh, but then you'll never learn." She grins "You betrayed me and now you're gonna pay for it..."

"Look, I don't want to fight." I hold my hands up to show that I don't want to do this.

"And I don't care what you want! You can't get away with this! I- I won't let you get away with this!" She screams.

I shake my head "Please..."

But I watch as a grin appears on her face and she says "Let's just get this shit started then."

I feel the fear building up inside of me as I watch as she gets herself ready to hurt me. I can practically hear the sound of my heart beating. But then I'm distracted from it as the girls in the room begin to chant.

"Fight, fight, fight!" Is all I can hear, the words booming loud in my head.

I then feel a hand against my back, pushing me closer towards Isabella. I see the look on her face and I know that she'd leave me here to die. And then I feel her fist making contact with my cheek, causing my whole body to fall to the floor. Everyone around me reacts to it, laughing amongst themselves.

"Come on then, Lexi! Show me what you got!" I hear the sound of Isabella's voice

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