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I don't know what to say anymore after i heard that but my heart pounded thats all I do know


He says calling me out my thoughts

Y-Im sorry?

He guided me to sit next to me across the others men that looked at me with a stern yet intimidating look upon their face

They made small talk about a business and I kinda spaced out until I felt Jk hands go around my thigh squeezing my thigh and i gasp

I started to pool yet I was frightened but me being frightened turned me on more

I am so confused on what's going on right now

Nijiro-you have such a pretty girlfriend

He looked at up and down and i looked down at the menu


After a while Jk had to go answer a phone call and now it's just me and the other men

They would try to make small talk with me and i responded bc I didn't want to get yelled at so I made conversation

Daniel-so tell me how does Jk make you feel?

He says taking a puff from his cigarette

Y-he makes me feel nice

I say smiling lightly but he chuckled and my smile dropped bc I am confused onto why is his laughing...did I say something wrong?

Y-Did I say something wrong?

Daniel-no you didn't but I sense that you didn't understand my question so let me rephrase it for you...How does Jk make you feel in ways he doesn't like any other man making you feel?

My eyes widen and my heart dropped

Y-I can't answer that and in fact that was very rude to ask me-

Nijiro-why can't you answer the question?

He tilted his head looking at me with a smirk

Y-I just cant and mas-Jk wouldn't like that his friends asked me such questions

I got up and walked away going to the restroom but I bumped into someone and I looked up and my eyes met with Jk's eyes

Jk-why are you crying?

He says wiping them and he took me to the restroom which says females only

Y-those men...they asked me dirty questions about us and I didn't like it so I left

I dont know why but I felt the air shift into such an intense atmosphere and I looked at Jk who was now looking less concern and more stern-

Jk-why did you leave?

What did he just say?!...he looked up at me clenching his jaw



He says causing me to jump a little backing up to the sink

Jk-now this is what's going to happen...

He moves up towards me until my back hits the sink, he grabbed me by the waist lifting me up on top of the sink he opened my legs getting between them

Jk-you are going to back out there and you are going to entertain my guest okay, and you are going to do it with respect unless you want to make me look like an idiot in front of them and I lose my money and you don't want to see me mad again do you?

I shook  my head and he rubbed his thumb over my body lip parting them

Jk-you aren't mute...talk



He stuck his thumb in my mouth and made me suck his thumb

He bit his lip at me he took thumb out and ran his fingers against my cloth heat

Jk-ouuu me doing all of that made you horny huh?


Jk-dont lie, your soaked up panties already told on you...I am not the person you are cumming for tonight...so I suggest you be a good toy

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