Start from the beginning

drake kept looking at her with a serious face and said "humph..., let's move then...", as they got to the 7th floor..., they were greeted by a bunch of demons, one of them who was way back... looked like this bevy's commander...

he was sitting on top of a chair while using a bloody body as a stand for his legs...., drake kept looking at the bunch angrily and suddenly he felt vibration from Maria's body...

he checked her out and he noticed that she was trembling in anger with tears in her eyes, her pupils shrank from wrath...

she looked at drake with eyes filled with tears, rage and at same time sadness and said with a broken voice "that..., huf... huf... that's my son... drake...".

drake's eyes widened up in complete shock as he looked at the body under that demon's legs, suddenly..., he noticed that it was a blond kid, maybe 6 years old; covered in his blood.

the kid was breathing, but heavily and would suffocate and die at any moment now.

As soon as Drake realized what was happening, Maria has had already left his side as started charging toward the commander, she jumped over his minions who tried to get her first and skipped them to go straight to the boss...

as drake tried to follow her, the demons jumped in front of him... they clanged to his body and kept trying to bring him down...., every time he kicked one... more would jump on him...

he kept yelling at Maria with a concerned voice "Maria..., Maria!!! come the hell back... that not a fight you can win with your current-... huh!!?", but... he was surprised by Maria as she continued attacking blindly out of pure rage using her elongated nails...

she couldn't hear drake's words while her fast attacks continued hurting the big boss who was too slow to act in time, because when he tried to dodge some of the swings, a bunch of them would make contact...

Maria's nails managed to get deep cuts in the boss's face as blood started splashing out..., his skin was thick... but she managed to slice it up with one swift attack..., Maria thought that she got the best of him...

but, suddenly the boss, who was a huge beefy man became raged as he started swinging his hand in unnatural speed and strength...

his skin changed color as weird unhuman spikes emerged out of his hands, his body became more distorted, drake kept destroying the clingy minions to clear the way and yelled at her "Maria!! Get the hell out of there!! NOW!!".

she kept watching the incoming blow and as she tried to dodge it, her body didn't respond! She couldn't jump since she emptied the remaining of her energy in that angry rampage..., and just like that..., she lost balance and just opened her eyes in complete shock while watching her body falling to the ground...

drake yelled as loud as he can for her to avoid that attack while reaching his hand "Ma-...Mariaaaa!!", she looked at him with a shocked face while trying to grab his hand, but the impact was already made....

Blood started spilling everywhere as Maria's body got crushed under the heavy weight of that attack..., she got heavily injured, and the boss's huge spikes left huge holes that appeared on her stomach, chest, and legs...

All of this happened in front of drake's shocked and wide eyes, his terrified face was covered in Maria's blood as he stayed on his knees beside her body for a moment as he started phasing out...

the none-human looking boss approached drake slowly..., he kept looking at him, and suddenly he swung his giant spiky fist while roaring angrily..., while mid-attack... the monster stopped his attack at the last second as he felt an enormous, heavy... killer aura exploding in the room...

as an extinctive survival behavior... the boss jumped back...., sweaty and terrified...

Drake slowly approached Maria's hand and noticed that she was still hanging out to dear life with a hair string, the monster boss kept roaring angrily and swung his extended fist at drake, but noticed that... there was nothing happening...

the monster opened his eyes in shock when he noticed that... his whole spiky arm was no longer there... it looked like it was wiped out of existence, but the wound in his arm says that it was ripped out?

suddenly, he felt blood dripping on his nose, as he looked up, he was shocked by his spiky hand smooshed against the ceiling....

The kept shaking in terror as his hand started growing again from all the internals that were hanging out, suddenly he started sweating when he felt the same terrifying aura again...

he kept looking around but he couldn't spot drake anywhere, suddenly the aura disappeared...., as both drake and the aura were nowhere to be seen or felt, the monster kept screaming angrily and roaring...

but, for a second... he stopped as a sudden felling of death lurked behind him, he tried to turn around... but he was surprised with by a supersonic punch hitting his head and mashing it.

the wind, the clouds of dust and the pressured air were all exploding out of the room at once, assuring that it was indeed... a powerful punch..., the monster started jumping around in a move from him to buy some time for his face and arm to heal again...

he tried to see who was the responsible for this attack in that thick cloud of dust, but all he saw were nothing but two gloomy red eyes looking at his direction with same terrifying aura from before....

the aura caused the monster boss to shiver as he started seeing death in front of him...

The red eyes disappeared, and soonly after... drake's enraged face emerged in front of the monster from nothing, suddenly he threw a punch that launched the monster out of the dust cloud for the real fight to start...