Chapter 67 - Family

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Hia smiles at me, a half smile, while P'Kinn looks at Enzo. There is a lot of tension in the air, but I can't help, but be glad to see my brother.

"Welcome to Italy." I say, "I would like you to put your weapons in that box, please."

"I refuse." P'Kinn says

"Alright, then you can catch the next plane back to Thailand." I say very serious

"I'm getting in with my gun."

"You are not." I say, and P'Kinn starts walking towards me. I smile at him before I quickly put my hand above Enzo's eyes so he can't see when I point my gun at P'Kinn "Either put your weapons in the box or leave. Choose."

"Kinn, let's just leave the weapons and get this over with." Hia says interfering as he starts to put guns and knives in the box

"Everyone, not just you two, and every weapon too." I say

"Porchay, you wouldn't walk into enemy territory without a weapon." Hia says, and I feel a little offended that he sees me as his enemy

"Good thing we aren't your enemies. This is just a precaution, so please cooperate so we can get out of this cold." I say as I watch them put all the guns and knives into the box.

I'm well aware that neither Hia nor P'Kinn put everything there, but I'm going to let it be, or we won't enter. I'll give the men a heads-up to pay more attention to them, and everything will be alright.

"Alright, let's go. Please follow me." I say leading them to the leaving room "You can relax a bit here. Food and drinks will be brought for you."

I take my jacket, and then I take Enzo's jacket. We don't sit near any of them, we just go to a big sofa in the corner. I'm waiting for the food so that I can leave and meet Matteo and P'Kim. Enzo is quiet on my lap, he is looking at Hia, probably because we're very alike. P'Kinn is analysing everything—every corner, every man. He is clearly mad at everything, but I'll ignore his enraged look towards me.

I feel someone coming towards me and using my phone. I can see it's P'Kim, so I relax a bit, knowing that in a short time I'll be able to get out of here. I feel P'Kim's hand around my neck as he gently bows my head and kisses my neck.

"You're so gorgeous today, angel." He says making me smile, and then he looks at Enzo, touching the tip of his nose to make him giggle a bit "We'll play chess later, okay?" he says, probably to cheer him up

"Yes." Enzo answers smiling

I then realised everyone was looking at us. Hia has a nostalgic face on, almost like seeing us like this brings him memories, but I think it's not only that, I think he is a bit jealous. I know Hia, he wanted to open a bar on the beach, he would only cook what he wanted to eat that day, but it wasn't just that, he also wanted a family.

I don't know how his relationship with P'Kinn is at the moment, but they don't seem very happy, and I'm really sorry about that.

"Kinn, how have you been?" P'Kim asks, breaking the silence

"I have been better." he replies, rispidly

"I'm sorry to hear that, brother. Hopefully, you'll get better after this metting..."

"Is that going to happen today?" P'Kinn asks ironically, cutting P'Kim

"There was a little setback, but as soon as possible, someone will call you." P'Kim says and then looks at me "Let's go, angel."

I grab Enzo, and we walk out of the living room, letting them stay for themselves. Things were so hostile, it was like they were about to explode. I walked with P'Kim to the office where Matteo and Luca were.

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