Chapter 65 - The next King

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The journey is intense. Matteo is shaking all the time, and I don't think anything I say will make him feel better, so I just stay silent. The jet is so fast, and in half an hour we are in Spain. I don't know exactly where, but that doesn't matter. We have a car waiting for us that we immediately get into.

While we are in the car, both Matteo and I get ready for what may come, which basically means that now we are armed from head to toe.

"Hey." I call him and cup his face with my hands to make him look at me "Whatever happens, you are not alone, you have me here, and P'Kim is waiting for us. You have us, always." I say and deposit a slight kiss on his lips

"I know love. Thank you for being here." he says, and I see his watery eyes

"It's okay, breath. Don't break now, just a little more Teo, a little more."

"I can't..." he says as a tear runs down his cheek.

"Listen to me. You can. If there is someone who can, that's you. Pull through it; we are getting there. You are their boss, Teo, they need you. Just a little more." I say and clean his tears "Two deep breaths, and let's go."

I watch as Matteo takes a couple of deep breaths and then gets back to his cold mafia self. In less than ten minutes, we arrive at some place near the sea. Fred is waiting for us with some men, and they are all in position.

"Fred, talk to me." Matteo says as he gets his gun

"We took control of the house, everyone that was inside is either dead or locked in our car. There is only one room missing, and your mother is in there, she talked to us..."

"What did she say?"

"She said she would only open the door if it was you. We didn't know what to do, you were on the plane, so we decided to wait. The room has been silent ever since." He says and Matteo automatically starts walking

"Matteo. Wait." I call "Let Fred finish talking." I say as I grab his arm to make sure he won't do anything reckless.

"Thank you, Porchay. The room has been silent, but we have two men in front of it and they say that they could see more than one shadow, so she isn't alone. Another important thing is that this territory is not exactly under the Spanish mafia exactly, it's under a bunch of gangs, so we need to be fast."

"Okay, let's get this over with." Matteo starts "Give me two shoes."

Fred automatically gives Matteo a pair of shoes, and as we walk into the house, I finally understand why he needs them. We get to an almost hidden room. Matteo orders his people around with his hands, and they understand everything.

"Love, there has to be at least two people inside. I'm going to shoot the one that opens the door, I want you to try and shoot the others." I nod as we stay in positions, making sure that the only shadow they see is of the shoes

If there are more people hidden, and we are ready for this, we are just waiting for an order. We will do everything as fast as possible and in the best way possible.

I look at Matteo, who has his hand in front of the door, ready to knock. I smile at him as I get my gun read. I take a deep breath and focus. I hear Matteo finally knock and get my gun up.

"Matteo, is that you, son?" a sweet and scared voice asks

"Mama, it's me." he says "Open the door, mama."

"Who's my favourite painter?" she asks

"Picasso." Matteo answers, and we hear the door open

There is a guy pointing a gun to where Matteo should be if he were in front of the door, but those were just the shadows from the shoes, and Matteo rapidly kills the guy. There's another one grabbing Matteo's mom and pointing a gun to his head, but I don't give him enough time to react, I just shoot him.

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