Chapter 64 - Mama

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Matteo's POV

Matteo's POV

It's tonight, finally. I'm finally going to see my mother again. After so many years, I don't even know what I'll say to her or how she will react when she sees me. I'm scared she won't be proud of me or of what I became after she was taken away from me.

My brain is full of thoughts, full of doubts, full of regrets... Part of me always knew she was alive, but another part just thought it would be easy to move on... I love my mother, I love her with everything I have. She is one of the most important people for me, but how am I going to look at her after everything I did? How am I going to look at her after killing and torturing more people than I can remember? After forcing Porchay into a relationship? After letting Porchay be kidnapped?

What will she think of me? I argued a lot with her, mostly because she knew that Kim and I were secretly seeing each other. She didn't care that I liked boys, she just cared that it was Kim. I screamed so much at her to let me live my life alone when, a couple of days later, I was really alone...

Chay and I walk out of the jet to the car that's waiting for us to take us to the Spanish coast. Apparently, my mother has been in a little house by the coast. Why she was in Spain instead of any other location, I have no idea, but if I had to make a bet, it would probably be because Spain is mostly run by gangs. There's a mafia, and they are quite powerful, but the gangs take care of the city.

"Hey." I hear Chay call me, and as I turn to him, he grabs my face. I love Chay's little warm hands and the way he makes me look at him "Whatever happens, you are not alone, you have me here, and P'Kim is waiting for us. You have us, always." He says and deposits a slight kiss on my lips

"I know love. Thank you for being here." I say and feel my eyes begin to get watery. I don't know what's happening to me, why am I feeling such a tsunami of emotions right now... I feel like I'm about to break down at any minute, and I just want to stay hidden...

"It's okay, breath. Don't break now, just a little more Teo, a little more."

"I can't..." I just want to let go. I want to get back to the time I was 17 and this hadn't happened yet, to when I was a reckless teenager in love and my mother annoyed me. If I could, I would admit to her that Kim was one of the loves of my life, and I would beg her to always be by my side because I'm not as strong as I look

"Listen to me. You can. If there is someone who can, that's you. Pull through it, we are getting there. You are their boss, Teo, they need you. Just a little more." I hear Chay tell me that, and I even feel his hands cleaning my tears, but at the same time I just wish that someone would just break me so that I could let go of all the little pieces I'm desperately trying to hold together "Two deep breaths and let's go."

I do as he says and take two deep breaths. I can't break now, at least not yet. I need to finish this first, I need to save my mother, and then I can take a vacation or at least some calm days.

Fred, talk to me." I say as I get out of the car and hold my gun

"We took control of the house, everyone that was inside is either dead or locked in our car. There is only one room missing, and your mother is in there, she talked to us..."

"What did she say?" I ask

"She said she would only open the door if it was you. We didn't know what to do, you were on the plane, so we decided to wait. The room has been silent ever since." Silence is never good. I need to go there. What if they did something to her?

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