[30] Guilt, Pain And Sadness

Start from the beginning

"Justine, you know we can't bring X to the hospital. That's too risky. It was risky bringing you here too because of the whole kidnapped thing, but he made sure we brought you here, he didn't care. Though no one recognized you, so that's good." He shrugs and I blink rapidly.

"So what? You just took him back to the house and let him suffer while I'm being treated with feeding tubes and healing creams?" I throw my arms up, feeling them ache, but I ignore it. I breathe rapidly and my chest starts to hurt.

"What's wrong with him? Is he gonna be okay enough to come see me?" I blink rapidly, trying to erase the feeling of wanting to cry. Stoke shakes his head and tries not to look at my face. I already know his words are going to hurt me, but I asked for it.

"No. He's not gonna be able to come see you. He passed out on the way home last night and hasn't woken up since." His words knock the wind out of me and I frown.

"W-What?" I feel the tears wanting to come back and Stoke grabs my hands.

"We have our own personal 'doctor' Justine, they aren't as effective as the real deal because they don't have all the hospital equipment and shit. He put him under last night and took out the bullet, but he's just not waking up. They have him on oxygen, but he's just taking his time in healing and working up the strength to wake up. His body is tired, that's what the doctor said." He rubs my back softly and I stare at him blankly. Stoke suddenly reaches a hand towards my face and wipes off my cheek. I frown.

"What?" I whisper softly.

"You're crying." He wipes my cheek again and I turn away.

"Did X cry for me? Or was he strong enough to keep it together and get me here?" I bite my lip, trying to hold back my sobs and Stoke sighs.

"Justine, that's different, he-" He stops as I snap my head towards him and grit my teeth.

"Did he?" I raise a brow and he shakes his head.

"No. He didn't cry, J." I nod and Stoke pulls me closer, wrapping both arms around, protectively.

"It's okay to cry Justine. I know how you feel about him. I know how you both feel about each other. You can cry." My lip quivers and Stoke's soothing voice and warmth pushes me over the edge.

I choke out and the tears fall down my face and soak into Stoke's shirt that my face is pressed against. He doesn't shush me, he doesn't tell me it'll be okay, cause he doesn't know. He just holds me and lets me cry.

"It's n-not f-fair." I stutter out between my sobs and he nods.

"I know J, I know." He kisses the top of my head and as much as I love Stoke as a brother and appreciate him being here comforting me, I'd rather have X in his spot, but no, he's suffering because of me. I sigh shakily and jump as someone knocks on the door. It opens and Robb's and Ool's head poke in.

"She awake yet?" They walk inside, closing the door behind them and frown as they see the state im in.

"You told her..." Ool doesn't even ask, he knows. Stoke sighs and they take a seat on the bed.

"She asked. How is he now?" Stoke strokes my hair. Ool glances at me and I shake my head.

"Don't sugarcoat it because of me." I wipe my eyes and he nods.

"The same. He's just breathing with the oxygen mask right now, but on a good note, doc told s gonna take him off. He thinks X is just tired and is gonna wake up whenever he wants." Ool nods and Robb smiles softly at me. I let out a deep breath and Stoke rubs my back again.

"See Justine? That's good news, feel a little better?" He talks softly and I shrug.

"Not really. I'll feel better when he's awake." I push myself up from Stoke's embrace and sit in the middle of the bed between all of them. Robb laughs loudly all of a sudden and we all stare at him weirdly. He clutch his stomach and look at Stoke.

"So did she tell you if it's true or not?" He chuckles lightly and Stoke frowns.

"If what's true?" He stares at him and Ool claps his hands together.

"OH YEAH!" He throws his head back and laughs loudly and gets Robb going again. I blush a little and turn to Stoke, he's now trying to hold back a laugh.

"What!? Stop laughing at me!" I frown and he smiles widely, trying not to laugh.

"Nah, you little liar." He pokes my nose and I swat his hand away.

"What the hell did I lie about?" I furrow my brows and Robb shoves me lightly.

"Getting your freak on with X." He snorts and my face burns. I try to lie about it.

"I-I didn't-" Before I can finish, Stoke presses a finger to my lips.

"No use in lying about it more. We already know... I'm actually surprise he kept his promise." He laughs through his nose and I groan, covering my face with my hands. They start teasing me.

"Justine and X sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!" They high five each other from singing their little song and I can feel my skin heat up from my neck.

"Please stop." I whisper and Stoke grabs my hands, peeling them from my face.

"Okay, okay. We're done, we teased X about it too, don't worry." He smiles widely and I raise a brow.

"You sang the song?" I bite my lip and sigh relieved when he shakes his head.

"Hell no, he would've been pissed." He widens his eyes and I giggle a little.

"Good. So, can we leave a little sooner?" I look up at Stoke, but Robb snorts.

"Why? You and X won't be fucking for a while if that's why you're so eager to leave." He high five with Ool again and I smack his head.

"Shut up!" I frown deeply.

"I just want to be around him, is that wrong?" I bite my lip and Stome shakes his head.

"Nope, but you still have to stay until they let you leave J. Sorry little liar." He pokes my stomach and I wince when he hits a bruise.

"Shit, sorry!" His face cringes and I sigh.

"It's okay, but I'm going back to sleep then. Let me know when we can leave." I crawl back over to the pillow and lay down, snuggling under the covers. I feel them move around the bed and I soon get sleepy, my eyes start to drift and they close. I must be on the verge of being awake, but being sleep, because I can hear them start to talk again, but I'm too tired to respond to what they say.

"Isn't doc worried about X not being able to breathe without the oxygen?" I hear Stoke whisper and shuffle gently beside me.

"Yeah, but he says if he can't do it then it's probably for the best." Ool speaks softly and it's quiet for a second.

"He's not gonna take him off before we get there though, right?" Stoke asks and the bed moves again.

"No, he said he'll wait for us all to get back." Ool sounds further away and Stoke groans.

"Why the hell didn't you tell Justine that? So what happens if we get back and he does... die. What are we gonna do?" Stoke speaks strained and no one says anything.

That's the last thing anyone says and I fall into a dreamless sleep. But what Stoke said replays in my mind like a bad CD.

'What are we gonna do?'

It just goes to show, we'd all be lost without X.

2 more chapters...

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