Chapter XIII (13): Trust (II)

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They left the small town, setting their course to the east.

The duo continued their journey, the landscape gradually changing as they headed east. The bustle of the town was left behind, replaced by the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

Eleanor led the way, her steps cautious yet purposeful, while Astra followed, his gaze occasionally drifting to the surroundings that were still so unfamiliar to him..

At one point, when he gazes a field of grass where the wind breezes through his hair, he looked up to the sun, shielding some of his eye with his hand, and noted something peculiar,

The celestial object before him was noticeably less bright to the eyes if looked directly, and was moving a little bit faster than usual.

"Huh...weird.." shrugging it off to pursue Eleanor.

Continuing their trek, Eleanor occasionally pointed out interesting plants or the sound of a distant stream.

Astra simply nods occasionally, though his mind seemed to be preoccupied, which made her a bit uncomfortable.

The path they followed led them deeper into the woods, the trees growing denser and the sunlight dappling the ground with patches of warmth and shadow.

The absence of conversation was becoming noticeable, Eleanor felt compelled to address. "Astra... are you... feeling alright?"

He glanced at her, a touch of confusion, "Fine. Is there a reason I shouldn't be?"

"I-I mean, you've been quiet the whole way" she began before he interjected her thought.

"I just prefer quiet, remember?" He offered an explanation with reassurance. She accepted it, her shoulders dropping with a defeated sigh.

After a while, Eleanor's steps slowed, and she turned to Astra with a small smile. "W-We're almost there. Just a bit further..."

Curiosity heightened, quickening his pace to match hers. He glanced around, searching for any signs of their destination.

Finally, Eleanor came to a stop in a small clearing, her gaze fixed on an old, weathered tree with a ladder leading upwards.

"There it is.." she said softly, her voice carrying nostalgia and fondness.

Astra looked at the treehouse with a raised eyebrow. "Seriously? That thing looks like it's about to fall apart."

"It's safer than it looks. It stood here for years..." She attempted to persuade him, though his expression radiated doubt, showing he wasn't fully convinced.

"Uh, Nuh uh, i'm not gonn--" But she abruptly took his hand, "..Trust me?" she asked.

A flash of memory rushed through him, a familiar and comforting memory from the past.

"(Why does this...feel familiar...")

He quickly averted his eyes for a moment, then directed them back at her. "...Fine."

A flicker of a smile graced her lips, but as she realized their hands were still entwined, embarrassment tinted her cheeks. "S-Sorry..." she stammered, quickly releasing his hand.


Once they reached the top, he stepped into the treehouse, taking in the view from this elevated spot.

The creaking of wood under their feet added an air of uncertainty, but he trusted Eleanor's assurance.

As they settled in, Eleanor sat down on a worn-out cushion, patting the spot beside her. "Come on, take a seat...This...used to be my secret hideout."

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