It must help that I'm so... hot

Start from the beginning

I cough to clear my throat before holding out my hand to shake his, " Hi, I am Isabelle Hayden-Gilmore."

He shakes mine with a smiles, "Leo Brookins."

Adam says, " Okay so I will let you guys get to it then since I am not needed for the actual choreography. Lock up when you done."

He leaves us the keys and then leaves the studio. I set my stuff down and look to Leo, " okay so whats the dance."

Leo looks confused, " Adam did not tell you?"

I shrug, " He tried but I had to get to the hospital for work."

Leo, " Doctor?"

I nod, "Yup."

Leo clears his throat, "Well I have been choreographing, producing, and coming up with new dance projects the past few years and I was asked to make a dance to promote people to but the dirty dancing music online. So it will be a Dirty Dancing inspired dance."

I look at him in shock, " Actually!"

He lifts his hands in the air, " If you don't think your up for it."

I stand up after putting on my dance shoes, " Oh no, trust me this is just what I need."

He smirks, "Well let's get to it then, and it must help that I am so... what was the"

I throw my sweatshirt at him and flush red, " Shut up! You were not supposed to hear it."

He laughs and smiles so big, his laugh sending butterflies to my stomach.

The rest of the night we spent dancing, his lingering touches on my waist sending a wave of electricity through my body every time.


By the end of the week, we had the dance perfected and was ready to record. Let's just say I was very willing to skip my night at Joe's with my friends to dance with Leo every night.

It's not only that he was stunningly attractive, but also he was funny, and kind, and he made me feel noticed when I talked to him. Hence we finished the dance so fast, plus our chemistry was sparking in that studio. I am not gonna lie I have dreamt the past two nights of kissing that man, and each time, and sadly disappointed when I woke up to it just being a dream. though we graze lips in the dance for a fake kiss, but its not real. It just feels like a tease to the real deal.

Tonight we recorded the dance, and after it was done being edited we went over to my apartment inviting Natalie and Connor to show them the final product, and also inviting Leo along but he said that he actually had a meeting he had to get to. So it was Natalie, Connor, Adam, myself, and then Alex as well. Then Christina and Callie were also home so they joined us.

I am sitting on the couch now curled up in the corner Alex next to me, and everyone else in their own seats.

Everyone claps at the end and showers me in applause.

Christina looks at me, "Man, your not to bad"

Callie chuckles, "I think what you mean is she is amazing."

Natalie laughs, "It helps when you have a hot dance partner encouraging you from the sideline that your hard core crushing on."

Alex snickers when he sees my reaction

I turn a soft shade of red and toss a couch pillow at Alexs head.

He looks at me offended, " Hey! I did not say it..."

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