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We interns are getting ready for another day. George is standing from afar watching Meredith sitting down in front of the locker just staring at them. George moves to walk up to Meredith. Cristina enters the locker room and pushes past George, towards me and Meredith.

Cristina: You know, he's acting like I committed a crime. Like my apartment is full of stolen goods. (George walks off as Cristina dumps her stuff in her locker ranting to Meredith and I)  He's acting like I kept my apartment to hide stolen goods so I can do illegal transactions for money.

Meredith: Are you sure he's just not acting as you lied about moving in?

Cristina (makes a face): Ok, what's wrong with you?

Meredith: My mommy's a filthy whore. (Cristina shrugs and I chuckle)

We finish getting ready before moving on for rounds.

I later am walking through the hospital, down the stairs with Derek.

"So, how has it been having adam in town?" Derek asks.

" Great, did I tell you that with him here I am dancing again," I say

He smiles and goes to say something when all of a sudden his attention is drawn to the nurses' station where Meredith is talking to a man. Wait that is... all of a sudden Derek throws a hard punch at Mark knocking him to the ground.

Great, Marks here.

Later I am standing outside the room where Mark is suturing his own face with Meredith in the room along with the rest of my friends.

George: Why is he suturing his own face?

Cristina: To turn me on.

Isabelle(roll my eyes with a smirk): Cause he's Mark Sloan.

Alex: Yeah, He's like the go-to plastic surgeon on the East Coast.

George (shocked): That's the guy Addison was sleeping with?

Izzie: You can't really blame her, can you?

Cristina: No, not really.

George: Yes you can.

(Meredith comes up to us)

Meredith: McSexy wants an x-ray to check for fractures and I think it's a bad idea if I take him.

I chuckle at that.

George: Why? Why?

Alex: I'm on it.

Isabelle: Alex! Be careful he is an ass (Alex leaves)

George: Why is it a bad idea?

Cristina: McSexy?

Meredith: No.

Izzie: McYummy.

Meredith and Cristina: No.

Meredith: McSteamy.

I nod and we all stare at him.

Cristina: Oh there it is.

Izzie: Yep. (she chuckles) (We all look at Mark through the trauma room window)

George: Uh, just ah choking back some McVomit. (He walks off)

I laugh and walk away to my service in peds for the day, my ultimate favorite. 

That night I ended up going to the bar, where I saw Mark talking to Meredith. I kept to myself but when Meredith walked out I went and sat next to him.

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