A string of Chaos

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(P.S. I am gonna be skipping some episodes in this chapter, sorry if someone is a fan of these episodes, but I am getting bored of them.)

Last night I embarrassingly fell asleep on the couch in Addie and Derek's trailer. I meant to go home, but we were talking and I guess I dozed off. So when I woke up I noticed that Addi had already left for work, the problem was she was my ride. Then I noticed Derek was not in the trailer either but there was a note on the counter. 

"Sorry I got called in and did not want to wake  you, Derek should be able to give you a ride" - Addison

 I sigh and look outside for Derek to see his car, along with another. One that looks greatly like Merediths. I step out of the trailer and look around when I hear Dereks laugh and he emerges out of the hiking trail with the dog, Meredith, and himself. Derek's laughter stops when he sees me, and Meredith looks at me confused. I avert my eyes and look at Derek.

Isabelle curtly: You're giving me a ride?

Derek: Uh yeah, ten minutes?

Isabelle: Great

I turn around and walk in, feeling upset with this as I am unaware of the relationship of the walk but I do know that they both have feelings for one another still. 

Once I get to work I avoid conversation with Meredith, and it stays that way all through rounds. I then split off and ignore all of them for the whole day. I am sick of this. I am sick of how Derek and Addi are fighting. I am sick of Meredith and Dereks secret feelings. I am sick of the drama with George and Meredith. I am sick of how my mom does not talk to me. I am sick of Izzies feeling for that patient. I am sick of how Alex complains about Denny. Like seriously Alex needs to bug off of Izzie, and Izzie needs to stop developing feelings for patients. I am sick of everything.

As I am leaving work Meredith catches up to me outside. 

Meredith: it's not what it looked like.

Isabelle: You don't need to explain.

Meredith: I do, your my friend.

Isabelle: WHich is exactly why I can't know. Addison is my sister and if I know something I need to tell her. So you can't tell me anything right now, because you are my friend, but family right now trumps that. See you at home.

Meredith: See ya.

A weekish later...

Meredith is sitting at the bar knitting, Derek is watching from afar.

. Joe (To Derek): Dude, is she knitting? 

. (Derek walks up) Derek: You know, as a friend, I got to tell you, you look a little weird. 

Meredith: I am making a sweater. 

Joe: You're knitting. In a bar. You can't knit in a bar. You're scaring the customers. 

Derek: Come on, have a drink. 

Meredith: I can't have a drink. I'm celibate. 

Joe: You mean sober? She means sober. 

Meredith: No. Celibate. I'm practicing celibacy, and drinking does not go well with celibacy, because it makes everything and everyone seem kind of porny. And then my head gets all cloudy and then the next thing you know, I'm naked. And my point is, I'm celibate, and knitting is good for surgical dexterity, so I'm making a sweater. 

Derek: You, celibate? I just don't buy it.

 Meredith: No more men.

As Meredith said that I and Addi entered the bar and walked over to her. 

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