Dream a Little Dream Of Me

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We all remember stories of his childhood ... The glass slipper of Cinderella, The Toad turning into a prince, The Sleeping Beauty awakened by a kiss Once upon a time ... And they lived happy forever ... Fairy tales, the subject of dreams . The problem is that it is never real It's the other stories, those that start with a dark stormy night and ends so atrocious, These are the nightmares that always seem to come true.

Meredith runs into the hospital after getting a phone call about Derek Being in an accident. She is frantic," What is happening?"

Cristina looks at her solemnly," The bus before it hit a telephone pole He tried to avoid it, but ..."

Meredith runs to see him," Is it serious?

She stops in her tracks to see Isabelle sobbing on the ground, hands on her face, and knees to her chest.

Cristina looks at her," Meredith, We must be strong"

Meredith looks to see Derek in asystole," Derek! No! No! No! No! Derek! No! No! Derek!Derek!"

The person who coined the phrase: "and they lived happily ever after" deserves a big kick in the ass ...

Meredith wakes up with a start trying to catch her breath.


We are all crowded around the Nurses station trying to see this years results on our hospitals ranking, I am sitting their anxious but also quite tired from working the past 22 hours.

Bailey is sitting at the counter as everyone hovers, Derek goes up real close to her and she snaps,"You Get out my comic oxygen"

Derek sighs and reaches for the computers mouse, "I try to see"

Bailey slaps his hand away," There's nothing to see yet"

Hahn inserts herself into the conversation, " It had to be there at 16 pm"

Mark looks at his watch,": It is 4:15 p.m."

Cristina moves in to see if she will have the magic touch to make it work," Yes Supports on refresh, you must refresh the page"

Bailey gets irritated," That's what I do every 10 seconds. Wait... nothing"

Everybody groans as me and Merdith walk to the nurses station joining everybody.

I slowly ask,"There's still nothing?"

Bailey shakes her head, "No"

Derek looks up at her and gives a lovesick smiles,"hello"

Meredith smiles back,"Hi"

Alex joins us," There's nothing yet?"

Bailey," No! wait!"

Mark gives his input,"Think we move up a slot.Pass Hopkins, move to number one."

Derek says," Not passing Hopkins. We'll stay two."

Hahn disagrees,"Mayo could surge ahead. We'd be three."

Derek scoffs,"Three? Pessimist."

She counters,"Realist. Rankings of teaching hospitals change based on any number of things.

Mark nods,"Three's top five.l can live with three.

Alex decides to speak again," Hit the refresh button."

Bailey shakes," Stay back! I am doing this."

Izzie joins with a smile," Hey, there's nothing yet?"

We all groan,"No" I put my head on the hand yawning.

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