Heart of The matter

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Two weeks later....

I am walking past the elevator with Cristina and as we do Meredith exits and joins us.

Cristina grumpy," Oh, great. I'm stuck in the pit protecting smack heads and gang bangers with my idiot interns, and you're getting McDreamied in the elevator?"

I wrinkle my nose," Eww."

Meredith laughs," Really, smack heads and gang bangers at Seattle Grace, huh?"

Cristina sighs," My point is, I hate interns."

Meredith smiles," They are not all bad..." Meredith looks to me," Well, Lexie's not that bad, is she?"

I say," She is my best intern."

Cristina looks at her confused," Oh, are we not hating her anymore?"

Meredith explains," Oh, no. We still hate the idea of her. We just realized we don't have a reason to hate the actual person."

I go to speak," I dont hate her, but I am going hard on her for Meredith. Thats something right, I don't want to become all bestie with her because I can not really find a reason to hate her."

Cristina says," She's an intern. That's reason enough."

Meredith chuckles and looks at chrisitna," I think you may be the new nazi."

I laugh as christina says," Damn Right"

To the interns nearby Meredith says," I don't see any charts. (Meredith walks up to Alex and I follow) Will you work for me on Saturday?"

Alex frowns,"What's in it for me?"

Meredith sighs," What do you want?"

Alex," Take Norman off my hands today."

I look at him confused," Who?"

Alex replies," The world's oldest intern. I've got my interns in the pit, and he's only gonna slow me down."


Alex," Deal?"

Meredith says," Fine. (George rushes by again) Rounds."

George yells back," Still can't find Izzie."

Meredith yells back," I'm gonna have to put you in the clinic if you miss rounds."

I look at Alex and Mer," What's his deal?"

They both shrug.


In the ER...

George enters the ER and says," Lexie! Sorry. Uh, have you seen Dr. Stevens?"

Lexie responds," No. Have you seen Dr. Hayden Gilmore?"

George quickly says," No."

Lexiesighs," She told me to meet her here in the pit, and she's not here. I don't want to give that woman any more reasons to hate me."

George looks confused," Wait Isabelle hates you. Really... Thats rare, she normally does not hate many people."

Lexie sighs," I dont know, but I'm prepared. I'm gonna answer every question correctly. And I'm not gonna take any more of her crap."

I enter the ER and say," Grey incoming! let's move!"
Derek is in the trauma room with Adam and Stanley Singer, along with myself and Lexie.

Stanley explains," He got hit during a scrimmage."

Derek," Are you the coach?"

Adam sighs,"He's my dad."

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