55 | Turning Cogs

Start from the beginning

"Something on his arm." I looked back at the biased judge. "If it is what I think it is, then why show it to Snape? In front of children? Wasn't he reformed and released?"

"The Bertha I knew wasn't forgetful at all."

"People tend to act a bit more forgetful than they are when Obliviate's just been used on them"

"What did you forget, Bertha?" I pulled out my notebook and began searching through the pages.

"Why would Mr. Crouch be in Snape's office?"

"Moody said that he was searching Snape's office as well?"

"Don't lie to me. Boomslang. Gillyweed. Both come from my private stores, and I know who stole them."

"It wasn't Harry. There are no books in the library that have information on Gillyweed, or Cedric would've found it. And why would he need to use a Polyjuice Potion?" Someone else was using a Polyjuice Potion in the school.

Someone that needed to hide, but somehow make sure that they didn't run into themselves.

I saw a red flare shoot into the sky and I squinted.

"Who do you reckon it is?" Neville asked.

"We'll see soon enough."

A few minutes later, Krum staggered out from the maze with Professor McGonagall by his side.

Fleur suddenly stood up and angrily began yelling at him in rapid French, her face red with fury. Professor McGonagall and Madam Maxime tried to break it up but she was outraged.

Krum, on the other hand, appeared... confused.

"What's she saying?" Neville asked.

"'How dare you? I was under the assumption that we were friends but apparently winning the tournament is far more important than your integrity,'" I translated. "I think."

Krum said some words and suddenly, Fleur stopped, and her furious expression was replaced by a puzzled one.

Professor McGonagall guided the two to Madam Pomfrey, who appeared just as puzzled as Fleur.

My dad and I looked at each other. "I'll check it out," he said, getting to his feet.

My dad returned to the stands and plopped down beside me with a pensive look.

"Krum claims that he doesn't know why he attacked Delacour," he explained, his brows drawing together. "He says that he didn't even feel like he was about to do it. He just did. He also admitted to attacking Cedric."

For a moment, a flash of anger overwhelmed me, then my brain started working.

"But he wouldn't do that," I insisted. "He and Cedric are friends, same with him and Fleur. None of that makes any..." I noticed Krum rubbing the back of his neck and Madam Pomfrey began to tend to it. I rubbed the back of my own neck, a memory surfacing in my mind.

"Imperius Curse?" I questioned aloud.

"That's what it seems like."

"But who would do that? No one could've been in the maze other than the champions."

"And the people who saved them," Neville added.

"Yeah, but those were Professor McGonagall and Professor Moody. Unless the cup hasn't been placed yet?"

"No, Professor Moody did that, too."

A lot of quite interesting things seemed to be happening ever since Moody began teaching, actually.

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