I put the pin in the lock and tried to unlock it. For a second I panicked, I heard one of them opening the bathroom door so I quickly stood up and sat on the bed. I had dropped the pin it had landed under the bed.

Tom came out of the bathroom with bill and looked at me with his emotionless eyes.

"Let's go for a ride." He spoke to me coldly.

"No thanks, I'm done going places for the day" I spoke to him respectfully, he was obviously powerful and I didn't really want anything bad to happen.

Tom walked over to me and grabbed my arm, he effortless picked me up off the bed and dragged me over to the door.

"What are you going?!" I yelled trying to get his arm off me. But he just tightened his grip

He unlocked the door and pulled me outside the room with him, Bill threw him his keys and a coat.

"I said let's go for a ride Jeneane" he looked at me again, but this time he smiled at me. It wasn't a happy smile it was like.. he was planning something

I knew I wasn't going to get out of this but I really didn't want to get involved with Tom and I knew if I went with him I probably would be. So asoon as he losened my grip I made a run for it.

I was a very fast runner, I ran all the way up the hall and took every turn I saw. Honestly running so fast got my adrenaline pumping after running afue corners I started running out of breath so when I knew I was far enough I sat down.

I was sat on the floor, incredibly out of breath. I had run up and downstairs to try get away from him hopefully this was enough of a sign for him to leave me alone.

I looked at my phone and it was almost 8pm so much happend today I'm knackered.

I took a deep breath then stood up I was only on the 2nd floor so I decided to go to my hotel room, order some food and go to sleep.

I made my way, tiredly. To my hotel room.

After a long walk back to my hotel room I unlocked the door, walked in the room closing the door behind me. I took of my shoe's walked over to my bed and collapsed in it.

I remembered the feeling of Tom's bed. It was far more comfortable than mine but I was just going to have to deal with what I had.

I didn't even think about changing clothes or even eating before I fell asleep in almost an instant. I was so worn out for today, plus my head was still killing it from drinking so early.

I woke up afue hours later. My bed was so warm I felt an arm around my waist, and a breath by my neck. It was calming I didn't want to leave or wake up

It felt too real, the feeling of someones chest against my back breathing softly, I fully woke up once I realised that this warm feeling wasn't just my imagination it was a real person. Someone had came into my room and gotten in bed with me.

I was to scared to move, I had a horrible feeling it was Tom. How I would hate it if it was but. It felt so comforting to have someone hold me while they sleep peacefully. And if it was Tom, maybe he isn't that bad after all, maybe he just liked me.

I slowly tried to move away while I felt the arm around my waist tighten making me freeze in spot. I quiet, sharp and tired voice spoke.

"You finally awake?" I recognised the voice. I was right it was Tom.

A horrible feeling rushed through me. How did he get in?

My eyes were still shut. I was hoping I was just dreaming and if I opened them Tom would be gone. I didn't respond to him

relying on love -Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now