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Tom's pov:

She didn't answer me. She let the elevator doors close and didn't even look back.

I needed to see her later. I need to get to know her, she's already made me kill 3 of the men in my strongest alliance. That was going to cause trouble for me but it didn't matter for now. I needed to gain her trust.

The elevator doors opened so I made my way to my room. Room 80, i walked in and sat on the uncleaned bed with my hands on my head.

I pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

"Hello sir?" I heard from the other line.

"Did everything go according to plan."

"Yes sir. Everyone and everything is in place just as you asked!"

"Good. Make your way back then" I hung up before he could respond.

I need a drink, I thought to myself.

I got up and walked over to the bar in my room, poured myself some strong shot of whisky and lifted my head to drink it all at once, then banging on the table causing it to shake alittle. I pulled out the packet of cigarettes from my back pocket and the lighter in my front.

Walking into the balcony, I lit my cigarette and leaned against the balcony rail.

I could see her room from mine. Well I could see through the glass balcony doors, not the whole room but most of it. She was sat on her sofa, she looked stressed. She didn't seem to see me looking at her.

I looked at the watch on my wrist, it was around 5pm. She'll be up here soon. I better call bill, I thought.

I pushed my cigarette on the metal bar and threw it off the balcony while walking back in my room.

I got my phone off my bed where I had left it and called bill.

"Tom? You alright?" Bill asked cautiously. Bill wasn't scared of me like the others were, he knew me. The real me, he was just worried about me it got pretty annoying soemtimes

"Yeah I'm alright, anyway. It's almost 6 I need you here."

"Ok I'm on my way, should I come alone?"

I knew why he asked me this, normally he wouldn't have to but after killing men with power many other people who looked up to them will be after us.

"Yes come alone. Just make sure your safe, see you soon?"

"Yeah ok. Bye Tom talk soon" bill hung up.

I say patiently for him on the sofa

Alittle over 20 minutes later the door opened, I panicked and picked up the closed gun and pointed at the door with my finger on the trigger.

Bill walked in and instantly got his gun out at the same time as I did, we both froze and looked at eachother before lowering are guns and nodding at eachother.

"Sorry about that. I'm a bit on edge" I sat back down in a slump as bill shut the door.

"It's alright bro, I'll be here to make sure things go well. She'll fall for you, all the lady's do" bill was trying to hype me up to get in a better mood.

I offered him some drink and he accepted so I poured us both a glass, another one for me.

Me and bill spoke over what we had to do multiple times.

"What if she doesn't accept bill. You know how careful I have to be about this." I looked at bill, my blood begun to boil as I thought about it all.

"Tom I promise everything will work out, just do what you always do" he patted my shoulder reasuringly

"What if it isn't all fine? We don't know how much she knows or how much she heard today. It's a dangerous game"

Bill tried to speak but I interrupted him

"And you know it too bill. Were already in trouble. I'm not saying we're desperate but we need this."

I begun to worry myself more than I needed to be. I had been doing this a lot recently. Are popularity was going down, it was bad. People think we're going soft, they're coming after us again. We needed to get back to the top.

I knew bill was worried as well, but he didn't show it as much as I did, he knew he needed to keep it together for me. I respected him for that.

My phone started buzzing on the table, it was a no caller ID, I picked it up.

"Who is this?" I spoke cold, just in case it was an enemy.

"Is this Tom kaulitz?" The man's voice sounded unfamiliar I didn't trust it all too well

"Speaking. You are?"

"Were is she. And don't act dumb you know who I'm talking about" I infact didn't know. But I had a suspicion.

"Who do you mean, and who is this?"

"Ugh, Jeneane, where is Jen. She isn't answering her phone and I know you were the last one with her Tom! So we're is she." Oh.

It was kit calling. He was worried about Jeneane.

"I got her home safe and sound kit. Goodbye."

"Wait don't you han-" i hung up.

"Who was that?" Bill asked, still drinking his fist glass.

"Just the twit I beat the hell out of at the bar. He isn't getting the message" I gave bill a glance

"He'll come around, I'll make sure of it" bill sat up in his chair as I nodded at what he said.

I heard faint knock on the door witch make me turn in my seet.

It was 6:00pm. Had she come?

I got up and put my gun in my trousers with my shirt over it to cover, just in case it wasn't Jeneane.

I slowly went over to the door and before I opened it, a letter slipped under my door.

This made me know it was her.

Before I opened it I picked up the letter, it was the same letter I gave her earlier that day and In blue pen underneath my red pen writing in elegant handwriting it said,

I'm here Tom.

I found it cute, what she did with the letter. I put the letter on the side and opened the door.

Jeneane had changed cloths, she was now waring
A short black skirt, with a matching black belt, a black short sleeved shirt with a red cross on it. Her hair was down, showing how her blonde highlights had browned at the roots. She had red knee high boots on and held a red bag and had a lot of jewelry on. She had also painted her nails black with red french tips.

It was very much bills style, although earlier she had very baggy cloths on. It really showed that she could pull off any outfit.

I looked her up and down and smiled, glad she's turned up.

"You going to let me in?" Her voice was soft. She sounded tired

I stood to my side to let her in, staring at her as she walked into my hotel room. I admired her every step.

She sat down next to bill, I could see how he was looking at her. And for some reason it made me jealous.

I walked over and grabbed a chair to sit opposite them both.

"We need to talk Jeneane." She looked at me, her eyes glistening In this dimed room.


relying on love -Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now