Act 4+2: Isolation

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>Be Sorail.

You are Sorail again, and you just saw Terezi run out of the room crying.

You stand up and head over to the transportalizer to go after her and see if she's okay, but it seems Kanaya is also trying to go through the transportalizer too. After a solid minute of you two getting confused and gesturing kindly for the other to go first, Kanaya goes first and is immediately bumped away by the sudden appearance of Eridan.


ERIDAN: am i interruptin somethin?

SORAIL: nO we were just deciding whO shOuld gO first

SORAIL: it was really cOnfusing i really dOnt wanna dO it again >>B(

KANAYA: Lets Just Go With The Already Decided Upon Order

ERIDAN: wwait first

ERIDAN: i wwould like to thank you kan for helpin me hone my wwhite sciences

ERIDAN: as the prince of hope its my duty to enforce hope wwith my mighty wand

SORAIL: a wand dOesnt seem like the best hOpe spreading tOOl outside of a battle

SORAIL: and we arent fighting anyOne right nOw

ERIDAN: wwhat do you know about hope

SORAIL: im the same aspect as yOu eridan

SORAIL: im the knight Of hOpe

ERIDAN: wwell a prince is still abovve a knight in rank

ERIDAN: so that obvviously makes me knoww more than you about hope pissblood

SORAIL: This is why I dO nOt enjOy talking to you in the slightest Eridan.

KANAYA: Getting Back On Topic, Youre Welcome Eridan

KANAYA: I Am Pleased To Hear That You Find The Wand Useful

KANAYA: Now If You Will Excuse Me, I Was Going To Hatch The Matriorb In The Core

ERIDAN: wwoww that sounds hopeful of you

ERIDAN: but as the prince of hope i demand that i attend the hatching wiwth you for the future hope of our race

SORAIL: Oh fOr fuck sake

SORAIL: if Our aspects denOte Our rOles then i wOuld have to attend tOO

ERIDAN: as the prince of hope i order that you stay here with the other landdwwellers

ERIDAN: but for now i havve other business to attend to


>Watch Eridans business.

That small interaction with Eridan has made you petty enough that you forgot what you were originally going to do, you can Kanaya watch on as Eridan talks with Sollux and Feferi, who are laying in the horn pile.


SORAIL: think hes talking abOut fighting sOllu>< again?

KANAYA: It Doesnt Sound Like It

KANAYA: It Seems He Wants To Talk To Feferi

SORAIL: man i feel bad fOr the fishy chum >>B(

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