Act 1+2: Initialization

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>Look at computer

One of your buddies is reaching out to you. You hesitate even going on your computer again, but you convince yourself to answer.

>Answer CT


centaursTesticle [CT] begun trolling galvanizedAltruist [GA]

CT: D --> Hello, lowb100d

GA: Oh bOy

GA: whats up my neighbeast enjOying cOnfidant?

CT: D --> In this game the other yellow b100d wants us to play, I am supposed to be your server player.

GA: what dOes that mean?

CT: D --> I help transform your surroundings and start the game for you, if I am correct

GA: OOOkay

GA: i still need tO get the game thOugh

CT: D --> Sollu% should have sent you a disc to download it

CT: D --> Prancing it will immediately start this game, and after a point you have limited time to do what you need

GA: Prancing? OOOh yOu mean running

GA: sOunds like a plan big man! >>BD

GA: talk tO yOu soon when i download it!

galvanizedAltruist [GA] ceased trolling centaursTesticle [CT]


>Get the disc

You peak out your window to see that a drone has left you a package sent to you by your gold blooded compatriafriendo. And you think it would be sick to use your psionics to bring the package to your window.

>Use your sick ass psionics

You hold out your hand and place your other hands pointer and middle finger on the side of your head, on one of your horns. Red and blue energy fizzles around the box as it starts to slowly lift up and move up to your window. You concentrate hard on it to make sure it doesn't fall and break.

>Retrieve the package

You reach out for the package but lean a little too far forwards and fall out of your window. Before you fall you quickly grab the box and hug it tightly as you fall on your ass onto your front porch.

Now you've gone to your porch anyways and you have a sore ass! What a waste of sick ass psionics.

>Head back to your room.

You grumpily walk back up to your room and open up the box, taking out two discs. You look confused as to which to download first, but Equius said he was your server player, so you must be the client player!

>Download Sgrub beta.

You enter the client disc into your computer and start to download it, watching the kaleidoscope of swirling circles and a neat hive logo. Man the aesthetics of this download screen are sick!.

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