Act 4+2: Expatriation

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>Be Dave.

You are now Dave Strider, and you are pestering your chum John after manipulating your planets stock exchange using time travel.


TG: i transfered the trolls a bank full of boondollars

TG: and that appearentally is what makes them talk to us in the first place

EB: all these paradoxes are getting confusing!

EB: i made little baby versions of us and some babies that look like us and there's still plenty more paradoxes left!

TG: shits still got a bunch of paradox juice man

TG: spraying it out like its a dad pressure washing a car

EB: dads have pressure washers?

TG: i couldnt tell you

TG: bro didnt have one

EB: mine didnt either!

TG: hey this is a little off topic

TG: but ive been staring at the sky for a bit

EB: youre star gazing? i didnt know you could get that romantic dave!

TG: shut up

TG: im just seeing something that looks out of place

TG: is your planet blue and red

EB: no? its more blue than anything.

TG: i dont think roses is either because its all rainbow unicorn vomit and shit

EB: are you sure youre just not looking at derse or prospit?

TG: no its like

TG: in the circle of planets

TG: and it has two things floating around it that arent chained to it

EB: dave what are you even looking at right now?

TG: i have no idea man

EB: jade isnt in the game yet, so did someone hijack our session or something?

TG: rose and jade both didnt say shit about inviting another player

TG: so who the fucks planet is that

EB: you think theres someone on there?

TG: every planet here so far has only existed because someones on it

EB: do you think they have pesterchum?

EB: wait what if theyre one of the trolls?


>Stare closer.

You squint your eyes to try and look at the planet closer, but you are suddenly beamed through the head by a thin green light. You regain your mental balance and you suddenly know that there is someone there, and that you can contact them through pesterchum.


TG: yo man

TG: i just experienced some trippy ass shit i can not explain

TG: but i think i know how to contact them

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