Act 3+2: Reanimation

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>Wake up.

You wake up on the bright yellow moon of Prospit. You feel the warmth of your neat and tidy blankets covering your dream self.

You're wearing comfy yellow pajamas as per usual. You lift one of the corners of the blankets up over and stand up, but you notice these aren't your normal yellow pajamas.

They're a little lighter of a yellow and, instead of a faint moon on the shirt, there's a white symbol that looks like a pair of feathered wings. You also notice you're wearing a yellow cloak, you dig the big and flowy cape, but you're not much of a hood type of troll. You bring the hood of the cloak down over your shoulders.

>Message Equius.

You remember you should probably tell Equius you're dong okay! but you don't have a communications device near you. Perhaps one of the inhabitants of Prospit will let you borrow theirs?

>Fly out of the tower.

You walk onto the balcony and hop over the railing, letting yourself fall and gain some momentum before curving your trajectory horizontally. You zoom over the gothic architecture and slow yourself, landing on a bridge where a lone carapacian woman is painting a newly installed area of the moon.

You ask her if she had a communications device and if you can borrow it, she's startled by your appearance but she hands you a little phone, where you log into your trollian account.

>Actually message Equius.


galvanizedAltruist [GA] begun trolling centaursTesticle [CT]

GA: i live mOthergrubber!

CT: D --> E%cellent

CT: D --> Did you god tier?

GA: well i wOke up with these cOOl lOOking pjs

GA: dOesnt lOOk really gOdlike to me >>B(

CT: D --> The clothing is not the only benefit one obtains from godtiering

GA: sO else what did i get?

CT: D --> My knowledge of these events that needed to transpire does not go that far, unfortunately

GA: hey speaking Of that

GA: hOw did yOu knOw my planet was gOing tO gO caplOOey  >>B?

CT: D --> I do not know

CT: D --> I saw a peculiar green light go through my head for the briefest of moments, and then I gained this knowledge

CT: D --> After a brief moment of disorientation

GA: sO yOu gOt beamed by the pOwer Of grubfuel and saved my hOrns?

GA: sick friendO >>B)

CT: D --> You could put it like that

CT: D --> I am confused by the moment myself

GA: anyways

GA: what dO i dO nOw that ive gOdtiered?

CT: D --> You could % the gates with ease and defeat your denizen

CT: D --> If it survived the e%plosion

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