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"I'm really happy that you decided to go out with me tonight," Nina said as I pulled out her chair and waited for her to sit down.

"What did you think I was gonna do? Say no?" I said to Nina as I walked over to sit in my chair on the other side of the two seat table.

"Lately you've been 'unavailable'," Nina said.

"I've just been helping out a friend who needed me," I said looking at the waitress about to approach our table.

"Is that friend the girl that I met at your house?" Nina asked.

"Yeah, she's the friend", I said.

" there something that I should be worried about?" Nina asked looking at the waitress who just stepped to our table.

"Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" the waitress asked as she dug into her back pocket and pulled out a little tablet.

"I'll have a coke and she'll have ...", I said looking at Nina waiting for her to say what she wanted.

"...some water," Nina said moving her eyes from her menu and to the waitress.

"And any appetizers?" the waitress asked.

"We're still looking," Nina said quickly.

"Okay well I'll be back with those drinks," the waitress said with a smile.

"And before you ask again... no, there's nothing you should be worried about," I said to Nina letting her know that I hadn't forgotten the question she asked.

"Good because I thought that we could talk about us," Nina said still browsing her menu.

"I was thinking that maybe we should get back together, it's been a very long time that we've been apart, we've always ...," Nina started to say.

"Here goes your drinks, wanna start on some appetizers or do you guys need more time?" the waitress asked as she put our drinks down with coasters under them.

"We're gonna do the 2 for 30. Our appetizer will be the boneless barbecue wings," I said to the waitress.

"Okay coming right up," the waitress said adding another smile before walking away.

"Back to what I was saying ..," Nina blurted out.

"No," I said before she could finish what she was saying before the waitress intterupted her.

"No what?" Nina asked putting down her menu.

"No I don't think we need to get back together," I explained to Nina.

"So why are we here?" Nina asked.

"Because you asked me to come," I replied.

"Yeah I did because I thought we were on the same page. We act like a couple and what broke us up is fixed now," Nina said.

"Is it fixed or are you assuming that it is?" I asked her.

"I'm assuming that it is," Nina replied.

"But if its not then ... why do you act like we're okay when we aren't?" Nina asked.

"It's not acting. We were in a good place," I said.

"And where are we now?" Nina asked.

"Wherever you want us to be," I said at the waitress come with our wings.

"I want us to be together", Nina said.

"Alright, heres the boneless barbecue wings and some ranch sauce for dipping," the waitress said placing the platter of wings in between me and Nina.

"Thank you," Nina said looking up at the waitress.

"I'll give you guys some time to start on that platter and then I'll be back to get your order for your entrees," the waitress said as she smiled and walked away.

"Okay," I said looking at the waitress and then back at Nina.

"You moved away three years ago and we broke up because of long distance," I said to Nina.

"I don't know if I can deal with you wanting to up and leave again without telling me," I added.

"That's what you've been worried about?" Nina asked.

"I was ... younger and I had no control of my life then but we're older now and I can make my own decisions," she said.

"Daniel I'm not going anywhere," she added putting her blonde hair behind my ear.

"You sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure Daniel," Nina said grabbing a boneless wing and dipping it into the ranch sauce and smiling at me.

"Then okay," I said to Nina grabbing a wing and dipping it also.

"Okay what? We're back to us?" Nina said taking a bite of her wing.

"Yeah,. We're back to us," I said biting my wing.

Compulsion.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz