Connor POV

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I can't say that I'm happy about making Danielle let me stay here but I had to make her. I messed up big time by coming to her house last night, I should have waited like I was supposed to. But I couldn't be without her another day. And making her mom let me stay here too was necessary. But it's morning now and I have to help Danielle make some sense of last night.


Seeing her sleep after what happened last night was all I wanted. She still had her makeup on and was snoring a little which meant that she didn't get that much sleep. I swept her curly hair out of her face and just looked at her.

"Are you just gonna continue to touch me without my permission?" I heard Danielle say without opening her eyes. I watched as she twisted and turned until finally sitting up in her bed.

"I wanted to talk to you about  last night," I said sitting on the side of her bed.

"I know I let you stay here, I still don't know why but I did. But that doesn't mean that you can come in my room whenever you want and touch me, it makes me uncomfortable," Danielle said aggressively.

"I know it makes you uncomfortable," I said without thinking of how stupid that sounded.

"I don't get it. So you know it makes me uncomfortable and you still do it," Danielle said with her eyebrows knit close together out of confusion.

"If I do anything to you it's for a reason," I said.

"What the hell?" Danielle said.

"Nothing", I said leaving her room and getting dressed to go to the hospital for blood. As much as I wanted to explain things to Danielle she wouldn't understand. She may not be afraid of me but she can still not want me around and I couldn't chance that even though I've been out of hand lately. I still couldn't mess with the future us.

"Where are you going?" Danielle asked as I walked pass her room to continue going downstairs.

I turned around and stood in her doorway, "I'm going to the hospital," I said as I peaked into her room.

"Hospital? For what?" she asked getting out of bed.

This would be the perfect time to show her that I'm a vampire but I don't want to confuse her. I can make her understand but I'm tired of forcing her to do things I know she doesn't want to.

"Did I say hospital? I meant the store," I said rubbing my head.

"Oh okay. Well can you pick me up some candy? I really like --"

"Snickers," I finished her sentence.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" she asked.

"Everybody loves snickers," I said walking back downstairs. Now I have to go to the hospital to pick up blood and don't forget to pick up snickers on the way back. Let's hope I remember.



Common sense told me to never bring Joey to my house. With Connor acting the way he was, I didn't want any altercations between them. So when I suggested to meet with Joey at his house, he had no problem with me coming over.

Even though its been a year since I've been to Joey's place, everything still looks the same. The huge white two story house with a big gate accompanied by lion statues on each side and a front balcony on the second floor made it really rememberable. A lot of memories were spent on that balcony between Joey and me.

"Hey Danny," I heard while staring at the balcony before turning my eyes to Joey's front door, noticing Joey only had jeans on and white socks on.

"Hey," I said with a small wave as I walked towards the house.

"Been a while since you've been in here," Joey said holding the screen door open.

"Yeah," I added as I walked through the door and looked around to notice everything in the inside was still the same.

"I didn't come over her to scroll down memory lane," I said sitting down on the nearest couch and taking off my coat,"I came over here to talk about us".

"You mentioned something about me using drugs shortly before you left class with your friend", Joey said walking into his kitchen and then returning with some liquid in a cup that he was gulping quickly.

"I only smoke and drink occasionally, I don't do it all the time", he added after putting the cup down on the coffee table in front of him.

"Why do you choose that as your life now Joey?" I asked.

"It's not my life Danny, it's something I do every now and then," Joey explained.

"Well I don't want to be around someone who does that", I said getting up and putting on my coat.

"So you're going to leave because I told you the truth?" Joey said.

"I'm leaving because I don't know this person in front of me. I thought that you would wake up and realize that this isn't you," I answered him.

"What don't you know? I never showed you a different side of me", Joey said stepping in front of the front door.

"I'm the same Joey that you know," Joey added while he put both of his hands on each of my shoulders.

"How am I supposed to trust what you say?", I asked.

"By giving me a second chance", Joey said putting his hands in his pocket.

"I don't know about a second chance at a relationship, but I don't want to lose you as a friend," I said.

"I want to still be with you but if friends is where we have to be for a while, than I have no choice but to be okay with that," Joey said.

"Okay. So as friends, what do we do now?" I asked putting my hands in my pocket.

"I was about to order some pizza," Joey said.

"Cheese or veggie?" I asked.

"Cheese," he answered.

"Well, count me in," I said sitting back and taking off my coat.

I knew that one day we would revisit what happened last year. But not until our friendship was rebuilt. I wanted to know what made him turn to smoking and drinking as an outlet. I wanted to know so many things.

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