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"Daniel?" I said hoping that my lips moving didn't involve me having to stay still.

"Danielle i said to stay still," Daniel said firmly.

"I'm not moving," I said to Daniel.

"What is it?," Daniel asked me.

"Why do I feel really warm?" I asked Daniel.

"You feel warm?," Daniel asked me.

"Yeah, really warm," I said quickly.

"Okay", Daniel said rambling in his duffel bag. I couldn't really tell what he was doing because my back was faced toward him.

"You can move now," Daniel said to me.

"Do you need me to do anything else?" I asked Daniel before moving.

"No," Daniel said as I turned around towards him.

"Well do you know what witch I am?" I asked Daniel.

"I need to talk to Connor, Danielle," Daniel said to me as he zipped up his duffle bag.

"Is something wrong?", I asked Daniel.

"I'm not sure," Daniel said to me getting up quickly and walking towards the front door accompanied by Connor.


"What did you find out?" I asked Daniel.

"I found out that she's a black witch," Daniel said.

"Okay ... what's a 'black witch?" I asked Daniel.

"Black witches are really powerful. There's only five of them," Daniel explained to me.

"And you think she's one out of five?" I asked him.

"Connor everything points to a black witch," Daniel said to me.

"What else would be able to tell you if she's a black witch for sure?" I asked Daniel.

"Black witches use good and bad magic. Has she ever changed moods quickly?" Daniel asked me.

"I hadn't noticed anything like that with her," I told Daniel.

"I traveled back through time to save her, she was killed," I said to Daniel.

"Killed? What the hell for?" Daniel said surprised.

"I don't know but these old vampires want her heart or something," I said to Daniel.

"Her heart?" Daniel asked looking at me with a blank face, "she's a black witch Connor," Daniel said to me with confidence in his answer.

"I can help her with good magic but that's it. I don't know any witches that practice bad magic," Daniel said to me.

"I don't want her learning bad magic," I said to Daniel.

"It's not really up to you Connor, it's already in her. It doesn't take much for it to come out, unexpectedly," Daniel said going back into the living room.

"Can I just sit down for a minute and take all of this in?" I heard Danielle tell Daniel. That means he already told her she' a black witch.

"I can start teaching you tomorrow, we don't have to start now," Daniel said to Danielle.

"Thanks Daniel," Danielle said to him.

"I'm glad that Connor has a friend like you, did you time travel too?" Danielle asked Daniel.

"Not exactly. When he called me I was confused at first. I was hanging with the present Connor, so when the future one called me I had to put two and two together. But we talked about time travel before so I understood why he did it," Daniel explained to Danielle.

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