Forever in my Mind

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When we arrived at school I was so happy to see my friends again. I decided to introduce them to Connor even though he was a little creepy. I hadn't really known much about him except for his name but I would let my friends form their own opinions for themselves.

"Andddd ... everything checks out, here is your parking permit sticker Ms. Wells," the security guard in the parking lot said as she verified my driver's license and student ID.

"Thank you," I said. Reaching out of my window to get the parking permit sticker.

"Have a nice day," the security guard said as she continued to check IDs and hand out parking permits.

"You too," I said as I rolled back up my window and parked my car.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket meant one thing, that my friends spotted my car and were waiting to meet up. So I texted them back and told them to meet me at my car.

"Some of my friends are coming to my car, is it okay if I introduce them to you?" I asked as I reached on the backseat for my book bag. Sometimes people don't like being introduced to strangers, felt like I should ask to be polite.

"I don't mind," Connor said as he got out of the car.

"Walking up with the blonde hair is Candice," I said closing the driver door, "and with the brown curly hair is Megan," I said waiting for the girls to get to my car.

"Where's your book bag?" I said looking at Connor.

"Didn't really feel like bringing it," he said coming around the car and standing beside me.

"What a rebel," I said laughing and noticing that Connor chuckled a little.

"So guess what?" Megan said right before she layered me with the new gossip. This gossip lasted from the parking lot to the school building. The girls had been looking back at Connor occasionally wondering what he was doing with me. So when Megan stopped talking, I decided to finally introduce them.

"This is Connor you guys, his mom is friends with my mom and he's new here," I said.

"I'm Megan," Megan said "I'm Candice," Candice said.

"Nice to meet you ladies," Connor said with a slight smile. Which made Megan and Candice smile and look at me. I knew what that smile meant, it meant they thought he was cute and polite.

"We're gonna head to Drama, I'll text you guys at lunch," I said smiling back.

"Kay," Megan said as she waited for Candice to stop texting before they both headed in the opposite direction of me and Connor.

"I thought that we would go to the counselors office first, to get my schedule," Connor said as we headed towards Drama class.

"It's probably packed in there, I don't want to be late to class", I said as I continued to head towards Drama.

"After Drama we'll come back and get your schedule," I added as I approached the auditorium.

Connor said nothing. He just opened the door to Drama class and waited for me to walk in.

"Good morning Danielle," Ms.Davis said as I walked into Drama, "and?" Ms.Davis paused, waiting for Connor to introduce himself.

"Connor," Connor said confidently as he waited for me to take a seat and soon followed behind me.

"I don't believe I've met you yet, so I'm assuming your a new student," Ms.Davis said.

"Yes," Connor said quickly.

"Well I'm happy to have you and I hope you enjoy our school," Ms.Davis said as she continued to talk to the rest of the class.

"Usually she just talks about the plays we'll do and then we pick partners for the semester," I said quietly to Connor.

Compulsion.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora