Give Me Something

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"I don't remember you being that much of a beach girl", Connor said to me as he laid a blue towel on the sand.

"I've always loved the beach", I said smiling at Connor while I laid out my pink towel.

"Especially when it looks like this", I said to Connor while I sat down on my towel.

It was already late at night but the beach was beautiful. I watched the way the water slowly crept up towards me just to go away. I put my hand on the saturated sand to just feel the water.

"Are you okay?", Connor asked me standing on the right side of me.

"Yeah", I said moving my hand and looking up at him, "why wouldn't I be?", I said standing up.

"With everything going on so fast, I wanted to make sure you were okay" Connor said.

"It's a lot but I can't just shut down. I have to find a way to deal with all of this", I said.

"How have you found a way to deal with it?", Connor asked.

"....I don't know", I said looking at the water, "..just having time to myself helps a lot", I finished saying.

"I'm able to calm down and decide what to do", I added.

"Well how did you deal with me telling you about us?", Connor said looking at the water and making no eye contact with me.

"I take my time when it comes to us. I know that we end up together but I want to get to know you all over again", I said to Connor as he continued to look into the water.

"I know things must be hard for you", I said sitting down on my towel and looking in my bag for a coat.

"Not anymore. Seeing you with that other guy pissed me off", Connor said sitting beside me.

"Who Joey?", I said already knowing the answer.

"Yeah him.... he's not good for you", Connor said.

"How do you know if Joey is or isn't?", I asked Connor.

"Well in order to get to me you had to let go of him. That's how I know", Connor said getting some logs out of his bag.

"Wh-what are you doing with logs in your bag?", I asked Connor watching him empty three huge logs from his bag.

"You looked cold so I was going to start a fire", Connor said as he stacked them on top of each other and threw a lit match on top of them.

"Thanks", I said as I waited for each log to catch fire.

The minute that every log stacked together was in flames I sat close to the fire.

"Did I find out that you were a the future?", I blurted out of having an awkward silence with Connor.

"Yes. Sometime before your death I told you", Connor said sitting beside me.

"What was my reaction?", I asked.

"You freaked out. You didn't want me near you", Connor said.

"Did we ever get back together?", I asked interested.

"Of course. It took some time but we did", Connor replied.

"What did you say to get me back?", I asked Connor.

"You mean what did you say to get us back", Connor said laughing.

"I came back to you?", I asked Connor chuckling.

"Something about how you couldn't live without me", Connor said laughing.

"O shut up", I said pushing Connor's arm.

Compulsion.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ