❥11 | workaholic

Start from the beginning

I type in words, erasing them, typing something else, then erasing that too. I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels, going nowhere, but I know I have to keep going.

A sigh of frustration came out as yet another set of lyrics turns out to be a dud. I'm tempted to throw my laptop across the room, but I force myself to take a deep breath and refocus on the job at hand. I type in more words, erasing them again, starting over on a different verse.

It feels like I'm fighting an uphill battle, but I know that eventually something will click and I'll find the right words.

I type in a few more sentences, thinking I'm finally on the right track. I glance over at the clock, realizing that hours have passed without me even realizing it. I keep typing, not even caring how much time has passed.

I begin working on the next verse, and suddenly, it hits me. I finally have the right words and they flow out onto the page easily. I feel a sense of satisfaction as I type out the last line of the verse.

I'm in the middle of writing the last verse when all of a sudden knock thumps from the other side of the door. before I even get to answer my best friend walks in.

"Dude, you need to take a break. you missed dinner completely and we are performing tomorrow too" Sapnap said loudly.

I start to argue back, but he cuts me off. "It's not healthy for you to be sitting at the computer for hours on end like this."

I try to protest again, but he won't have it. "Enough, you're coming out of your room for once."

I sigh in frustration as he pulls the power cord out of my computer.

I stare at Sapnap, feeling a mixture of annoyance and guilt. On one hand, I know he's right, it's not healthy for me to overwork myself like this. But on the other hand, I feel like I'm on a roll and don't want to stop now.

My friend sighs, clearly sympathetic to my frustration. "I know 'you're in the zone right now', but it's for your own good." he says.

I start to protest again, but he holds up his hand to stop me.

"okay mom i'm coming out now, since when was you the one who bossed me about I swear you usually complain that I boss you" I sigh. closing my laptop shut and rising to my feet.

"since I wanted to play basketball with you" sapnap grinned, reaching under his bed and pulling out my basketball.

With the basketball now spinning on his finger, he casted me a look before leaving our room. Earlier we was looking at closest courts to play on and there was a public one right behind where the tour bus was parked.

I remember the countless afternoons spent on the basketball court with Sapnap. The rhythmic bounce of the ball against the pavement became the soundtrack to our friendship. We'd challenge each other, push each other's limits, and celebrate every improvement together.

After, we decided to work on our three-point shots. I was always the more accurate shooter, my form impeccable and my aim true. Sapnap, on the other hand, struggled to find his rhythm from beyond the arc. he just sucks. But that didn't deter us. I patiently taught Sapnap the nuances of the shot, adjusting his stance and guiding him follow-through.

As the hours passed, our competitive spirits took over. We started a friendly shooting competition, each of us taking turns to sink as many three-pointers as possible. The stakes? Bragging rights for a week and the loser buying ice-cold drinks.

With each shot, the pressure mounted, but so did the fun. The laughter, the friendly banter, and the sheer joy of playing the game we loved overshadowed any sense of competition. Every miss was met with encouragement, every made shot with cheers and high-fives.

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