Seeing the familiar magic circle I remembered in the past where I would just be sitting in my throne while my generals and soldiers goes to battle while enjoying the buff I supported.

‘ I kinda miss them now ‘ I thought about my generals who would even bet with me about how many casualties we would have in battle just so they could try out this spell.

Well I created that spell because of their reckless in the first place.

When i just became king I used to end some battles my self since I they tend to take more time than necessary. But after much convincing they made just sit in the throne and just give orders.

I did that for a few days and I got bored since the fights took about forever so I just created this spell as a buff for my subordinates.

‘ ah those were some good memories ‘

“ raise your hand if you want to be a team leader “

Hmm wait a minute isn’t this good opportunity for me. Since I seemed to have gotten a abnormal result showing them my leadership skills may make some people notice my presence as the demon king.  And Rimuru doesn’t seem interested in being the leader so I will have to be one since I don’t sense anyone who could make me obey their orders .And it seems fun too.

Thinking so I raised my hand as a candidate.

Huh why does my classmates look at me like that. Even Misha seems surprised at my actions. Is it because I am the only one with a white uniform.

“ Arnos-kun was it? I’m sorry but you don’t qualification to be team leader.”

Huh what do you mean I don’t have the qualifications, you are looking at your founder you know , a person who led the demons to victory in a great war you know. If I don’t have qualifications I wonder who does.

“Why?” I asked puzzled.

“Because you are mixed blood.”

“Mixed blood , I really don’t get why that would be problem, I mean is the blood you have really anything special”

Emilia got angry when I said that.

“Is that a royal criticism?”

Women are you taking drugs , when the hell did I say something like that

“I didn’t say such a stupid thing. But since you insisted I’ll prove mixed blood are just as superior as pureblood. If I can prove it you, will accept me . ”

Emilia sighs.

“Do you not know the  Proof of superiority was given to us by the founder. As for proving mixed blood is superior to pure blood that would mean that you are superior to royalty do you still dare to prove it now.”

When the hell did I give my descendants such rights. Even in the likelihood I gave it and I didn’t remember I aren’t that stupid to give them this much freedom. Something isn’t right here.

But first let me deal with this first.

“ fufu this is interesting, so if I prove myself you wouldn’t deny my candidacy right teacher Emilia”

Emilia then angrily said,

“ just stop wasting time and prove it already, I have a class to teach.”

“ Alright then challenge expected , let’s just finish this with <Zecht> then shall we “

As I said a  yellow magic circle appeared and on half of it glowed blue.

“ huh how … whatever ,if you  couldn’t prove it you must resign from this academy immediately <Zecht> “

Hmm that’s kinda unreasonable but oh  well I’ll just accept it for now.

As soon as I thought of it the yellow part of the magic circle turned blue and a then circle disappeared.

I then stood up and walked towards the whiteboard and walked passed her. But I did hear her mumbling,

“ how did activate the magic, I didn’t even fell the magic power gathering “

What is that so shocking, I mean in those days <Zecht>was used for everything so you just need to say it is deal and you subconsciously activate the spell.

I wonder of how low is the qualifications to be teacher if one  couldn’t even recognize this trick.

Musing at those thoughts I stood in front of the magic circle then looked at it for a moment and then asked the useless teacher,

“This magic circle, Was it developed by royalty?”

“yes the founder developed this magic and passed it down to the nobility, since then we have been spreading this magic to the commoners “

“ I see, … you know this magic circle has flaw you know “

“No way. That’s impossible. <Gyze> was performed for 2000 years in this form. No one has ever found a flaw .”

“I found it 2000 years ago but never got around to fixing it before I reincarnated.”

I rewrote 3 parts of the formula on the blackboard.

“This is its perfect form. If you call yourself a teacher tell me what you see.”

Emilia looks at the formation with an expression that says she cannot believe it.

“Such a thing………just by rewriting three places this…… Magical efficiency has increased by 10% and its magical effect is 1.5  times more? ………This is.”





At the teacher’s words the whole classroom stirred. They couldn’t believe someone could modify the magic the founder himself invented. But the next words almost fried their brains.

“ no it is 2x the times better. “ saying so Anos directed his magic power to the magic circle and then the magic circle glowed showing a successful activation .

“ Impossible “ mumbled some people while a single person widened her smirk.

That Time I got Reincarnated As A True DragonWhere stories live. Discover now