"fuck off why should I do what you say?" he retorted.

I sighed and shook my head  "just thought you could contribute for once."

"why are you coming at me, I swear to go I will-"

"George." Wilbur cut him off and booted his shin under the table.

It was a little impressive when George didn't even wince, I saw the beastly boots Wilbur was wearing when he walks in and they definitely looked like they could do some damage.

"it's alright, I won't bother him he's having a shit day" I said, trying my best to contain my composure like a kettle boiling.

"or it's hangover, maybe even withdrawals you can never tell these days." Wilbur hushed quietly to Niki next to him who was giving a sad smile, that caught my attention.

"fuck you wilbur." George argued back.

"addict." he slyly replied.

The crowd around the wooden table was quiet, I felt everyone's eyes digging into me like daggers but it was nothing compared to having thousands staring at me in concerts.

Mine and George's eyes stayed locked despite the glasses as his silver rings clashed against the thin circular table in a rhythm. The room felt awkward, I was reading over the lyrics quietly while George tapped, everyone else was watching.

"can you guys go else where for this?" Sapnap asked grumpily from beside me, he had Karl on the other side of him and was rubbing his thigh that was rested on his lap.

I snapped my head up in his direction since he made me loose count, "can't you and Karl go else where to touch each other?" I cocked at them.

"bloody hell no need to be rude I was just suggesting." Sapnap replied moodily, nudging Karl's leg off his lap and crossing his arms.

"Yeh whatever, that was a good suggestion anyways." I grumbled quietly, sliding out from my seat and standing up.

"why are you so fucking moody? did you not sleep well or something?" Sapnap raised.

He was right on point with that, I didn't sleep well at all, I was too busy thinking about my walk last night. obviously, I didn't tell Sapnap though, I didn't want to give him a big ego.

"shut up, come on George I need you to help me."

The room froze for a second, I could feel his eyes flicker between Wilbur and me but it didn't take long for him to make up his mind; he nodded his head at me and tapped tubbos arm to let him through.

"seems like I'm not the only one having a shit day." he snorted while rising to his feet.

Everyone fell back into chatter awkwardly like nothing happened and I headed into my bedroom, quickly screwing up a few bits of paper I was jotting on and a pen on my way.

"maybe if I didn't have to deal with with prats in middle of the night then I wouldn't be." I responded coldly, swinging the door open and taking a step into my bedroom.

"oh wow so it's my fault?" George scoffed.

I didn't reply to that, I just nodded and slumped down on my rock bed.

My eyes were still set on George, he was currently scanning my room with a clueless expression although he was in it not even 24 hours ago.

His eyes were wide and he didn't blink for a moment, he was silently studying my room as if it was a puzzle, then his eyes followed to me, he looked me up and down before raising an eyebrow. It made me rethink my back few seconds to see if I did anything wrong, but I hadn't.

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