Be Addicted To Me

910 14 7

public+risky/dangerous sex
mid-season 6 / after mayfield

Wilson PoV

I sit at my desk, completing my paperwork as the hours tick down into minutes before I can finally clock out and go home.

It was a little late, around 8 pm, so the sun was setting as it was summertime. The warmth of my room was comfortable and urged me on to get my work done so I could head home.

And with that, I put the pile on the side of my desk, deciding to get them to wherever they need to be tomorrow. Although, as I look up, I see small puffs of smoke outside on my shared balcony with House, and I sigh out.

What the hell is that idiot doing now?

Then, I decided to head outside to investigate the smoke, only to see House sitting on the ledge of the balcony, his legs swinging over the edge as he smoked a cigarette. It seemed like he had just started, his cane resting on the wall behind him.

"I hope you're not planning on doing anything stupid." I say, causing House to spin his head to look at me.

He scoffs. "Obviously not. Suicide is for idiots," He always said. "I'm just watching the sunset."

"And smoking?" I raise my eyebrow, walking over and hopping over the half wall that separated our offices. "I'm sure, Dr. Nolan would love that."

"I don't care what he thinks," House rolled his eyes, taking another drag of his cigarette. "I have to be addicted to something if I can't have vicodin. Besides, cooking didn't really last long..."

"I can tell." I said, sitting next to him, but I was sitting with my back towards the sunset.

"Well?" House looked at me. "What do you want?"

"I was just wondering what the smoke was..." I mumbled.

"You know now, so get yourself home." House said, his hand shooing me away.

I chuckle, "I want to stay, make sure you don't do anything dumb."

"I told you, suicide is for idiots." House repeated, taking another puff from his cigarette.

"Actions speak louder than words," I say. "Besides, I don't like seeing you smoking."

"Don't be such a pussy, Wilson," He looks away from me, staring into the sunset. "I've done worse."

"Exactly," I keep my gaze on him. "That's why I don't want to see you smoking your lungs into oblivion."

House just rolled his eyes before reaching into his pocket, pulling out another cigarette. "Want one?"

"No, thanks." I smirk, flicking it out of his hand, watching it fall down the many stories of this hospital.

He nearly reached out to grab it, but he realised we were sitting on the edge of a death wish, so he pulled back and glared at me.

"Asshole." He snapped, taking another draw from his cigarette.

"Call me whatever you want, I'm not leaving." I smirked, kicking my feet a little.

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