The Annoying Trio

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just greg and james hanging out and the team coming to annoy him... at the wrong time

Gregory PoV

I sat in my favourite oncologist's office, why, my wonderful Dr James Wilson, of course. I didn't sit in here to provoke James or to bug him with anything, as wonderful as that sounds, I'm not in the mood.

As it is evident in my many (like two) mental illnesses, I take a few medication to help me become a functioning member of society. Well, it's not like being an addict is seen as being a functioning person, but I digress. I take fluoxetine and setraline. One being for my autism, and one being for my depression, even if they are both antidepressants. Oh well, it's helping nonetheless.

Anyway, I'm getting distracted. I'm sitting in Wilson's office as I am currently sucking at containing myself. Lashing out at others, a few near meltdowns, thank God that never actually happened, jeez was it close.

Suddenly the three musketeers walk in. Allison Cameron, the specialist in immunology and a member of my crew, aka, my diagnostic team, but I think crew fits better. Robert Chase, the Austrialian surgeon on my team and the final crew member Eric Foreman, the neurologist of my team. Regardless of their high ranking roles, which would presumably grant them overwhelming knowledge, the three always end up running to me like lost puppies finding their parents.

Oh well, I suppose after working with them for so long I should accept that role as their parents, but I'm not, because I hate children, and these three are nearly half my age, so, basically children.

"Well? Go on, tell daddy your issues, children." I say, sarcasm seeping from my voice.

They exchanged subtle looks until Chase spoke first, his Aussie accent prominent in his voice.

"Uh, we have this guy with Munchausen's Syndrome and-" He begins. Quickly, I roll my eyes to this response, interfering faster than he could finish his sentence.

"What are you waiting for? Send him home, he'll probably be faking it for whatever attention he didn't recieve as a child." I say quickly, only for Cameron to speak oh so confidently.

"He genuienly believes he's sick, though, we can't deny him treatment because of the conditions he has." She says.

Foreman begins to speak, "We've ran every test on him that we can think of and everything has come back clean. MRI was good, toxicology was good. Family history didn't give us any clues on what to look for-"

"What about blood tests?" I asked, considering one of them always loves to mention the blood test results.

In this case, though, they'd all gone silent, as if the oxygen from their lungs had been taken away by some external force and all their words confiscated in a matter of seconds.

I scoffed, "Oh, don't tell me you forgot to do your favourite tests and the tests we always go for when looking for something in a seemingly healthy patient." I looked at the trio, staring in disbelief. "What about checking his vitals? Any tachycardia? What about blood pressure, have you done that yet? What about a peak flow test, see if he has asthma?"

The lack of reply was more telling than an actual response. I sigh loud and clear.

"Are you kidding me? Didn't even start with the basics? And here I was thinking that you're all doctors! Ones that I should respect, anyway." I say, mumbling the last part.

The three just kind of stood there... dumbfounded that they just got told groundbreaking news, when in fact, it was just common knowledge for a trained doctor to know.

"What are you waiting for?!" I suddenly snapped. "Get out there and do something that will impress me for once before I use your faces to wipe the floors with!"

They all walk out, not saying a word to either me or Wilson. Not that I cared, I just wanted them out of there.

I sighed once again, feeling myself calm down slightly.

"Don't you think that threat was a little harsh, House?" Wilson perked, leaning on his hand as he sat at his desk.

I turned to face him, my cold blue eyes meeting his warm brown.

"Nah, they've been getting on my nerves all day. As mean as it is, daddy has to be a bit mean sometimes to get the children in line." I smiled sarcastically.

Wilson laughs a little at my joke, "What, are you like their father now?" He says, clearly joking.

"God no. Although it feels like I lecture them so much I might as well be a dad to them."

Wilson smiles but his eyes hastily flick over to the watch on his wrist. "As nice as it's been having you in my office, you're going to have to leave in a few minutes as I have an appointment with a patient and I need to look for her file."

"Ten minutes before your appointment with her and you're only now looking for her file? Procrastinator much." I smirk.

"I know where it is, it's just not in this room and I'd like this room to be empty when I get back." Wilson states, standing up and walking around his desk to help me stand up.

I grabbed my cane, rolling my eyes in a playful manner.

"Okay then, if I must." I said, the hesitancy clear in my voice.

"I'm free in an hour so you can come back then, but if not, then I'll see you at home." Wilson says and just before he starts walking towards the door, I stop him.

I walk over to him, placing my hand on his hip and pressing a kiss against his lips.

"I have to go see Mr. Munchausen so I'll probably have to see you at home." I say quietly, our faces still close to eachother.

"Hm... alright then, I'll see you at home."

Just before Wilson pulls away, I manage to sneak my hand around the back of his pants and give him a firm squeeze on his ass, causing him to jump a little and blush slightly before he pulled away, smiling and walking over to his door and opening it.

"Well, off you go then." He smiled. That smile Wilson wore always ensured safety in my heart. It felt amazing, almost freeing.

As I walked past Wilson, I felt a gentle squeeze on my own ass and a smug look from Wilson as we part our seperate ways as he headed left and I headed right. At that moment, all I had in my head was:

Oh, I'm so going to get back at him tonight.

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