Chapter 05

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It was my birthday here too?

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Janie, happy birthday to you", they both sang.

Their smiles. It's really like they're my family. The celebration is less grand, but I really feel the warmth and love. My family would invite all the nobles, but never my own friends. I didn't even have actual friends.

When I looked up, Jace was wiping down one of my cheeks, "Oh, tears", I smiled wiping the other cheek too. I hadn't realized I was lost in thoughts.
"So I'm eighteen now?", I laughed to cover up for the tears and they nodded.

"Is this where I live too?"

"Yes you've always lived with us. Ever since you were thirteen", Audrey told me, "This is your home too", she sat down next to me.

My home.

"So, I have you two. A father and friends too. What about mother?"

"You really don't remember?", Jace asked. I shook my head no and Audrey looked over to Jace.

"You and Jay's mom is in heaven now. Watching over the two of you", Audrey told me instead.

"That is another reason you stay with us", Jace spoke.

That means she's been gone for about five years. I didn't know how to feel, but all I know is I've never lived without mother.

"Do you want me to take you to your room? You can rest there", Audrey stood up and I cooperated, "Jay, can you take the bags inside?", she asked Jace as she walked with me upstairs.

We were now staring at three doors to my left and one door at the end of the passageway. On my right it was a balcony like view of downstairs. Audrey walked ahead and opened the second door before ushering me in.

Audrey opened what looked like curtains you could roll up. The room was lit up by the natural lighting. It was still quite early in the day before noon.

I took a look at the room. I believe rooms tell a personality of a person and immediately I could tell Jane was a creative, artistic and calm minded individual. Her room was more on the lighter side palette with the pastel purple, white, bits of baby blue here and there.

There was a mirror on the corner of the room. I scanned my features as I hadn't gotten the chance to when I woke up. I can't deny and say I didn't look like the female replica of Jace. I had pretty brown eyes like him, pretty pink lips, long lashes and long ash brown hair I noticed without need of the mirror.

The big shelf with all the books nicely packed and piled caught my attention next. I ran my fingers on one of the shelves and finally reached her bed. It was nicely spread with two pillows and a big white teddy bear on the center. I then looked at the bedside table where two picture frames were.

I walked over, so I could see clearer. In one of them, I was with Jace and Audrey. I was in the center while the both kissed either side of my cheek. I smiled so brightly in the picture. It was sweet to say the least.
In the other frame, I was with two other people, a girl and a boy around my age. I had a lively smile on my face here too while the other two laughed in the picture. What was funny was the three of us had paint smeared on our faces and clothes.
I smiled to the sight of it because it looked like a good memory.

"The girl is Emma. And Parker is the boy", Audrey spoke when she noticed me stare at the frame, "Your best friends"

So I have friends in this world.

"You smile so bright around them. You would say they fill your world with sunshine. They make you happy. You don't want to know how much they missed you when you fell into the coma for six months"

"Six months?!", I gasped. That's horrifying, "I-I was in a coma for six months?!"

Her expression changed and so did the atmosphere, "Emma wouldn't stop crying. I don't think Parker would ever admit he cried if you asked him. They visited you every weekend for six months and replaced the withered flowers with fresh ones everytime"

"Where are they now?"

"I'm not sure", her mood lightening as if she had an idea, "I should call them. Oh my, they don't know you woke up!", She got the small object out again.

"I thought you said you're going to call them", I sounded confused

"I am"

"Then what is that? I can't keep referring to it as small object"

"Small object?", She laughed, "This is a phone. You can communicate with people on it", she held it up as she tapped on it, "Looks like you didn't have these in your other world", I could tell she was teasing me, "I'll call Emma. Parker won't answer", she said to herself before putting the phone on her ear. After a few seconds, she spoke to the phone like she did in the hospital.
"Hey Emma, are you with Parker? Okay great, guess who's awake?", Audrey sounded excited.


"Jane?", The girl, Emma slowly walked into my room. She was adorable with her baby face and glasses giving her an innocent smart look. Her short hair was a beautiful red and wavy, and she had blue eyes that reminded me of a beautiful blue ocean.

I heard a guy's voice shouting his way up to my room aswell, "Where is she?!", He stopped by the door just behind Emma. I just sat on the side of my bed and I turned my attention to the both now. The guy had slightly tanner skin with mocha brown hair and brown eyes.

"Jane!", She ran and fell on me for a hug, "You're okay!", She started to sob.

Parker went outside for a minute before coming back inside. He tried to look fine but his eyes gave him away as they were red now. I could tell he didn't want me to see him cry.

"It's okay to let your feelings out", I finally spoke to Parker. Emma looked back at Parker and laughed between her sob, "He won't even if he wants to. Right, big boy?". I laughed and hugged Emma back.

Should Luna be envious of Jane for having what Luna always dreamt of having? I didn't know what my identity was anymore.

It can be that one of these lives is a dream.

Home where family with events and ceremonies is. Where I know and grew up knowing.

Or home where family with memories is.
Where I know nothing about, but supposedly grew up in.


That will be the end of chapter 05, Home Where Family Is

This was just one of the many more exciting mysteries I have in store for this book. Some plot twists aswell, so continue reading to find out
Watch Luna/Jane's story unfold. Maybe for the better.

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