Chapter 03

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"Luna, darling", mother got the words out before bursting into tears again.

I still could not let a single word out. As if all of my energy was going to keeping my eyes open. I could only stare at my mother and my vision blurred again. This time because of the tears in my eyes.

It was only after a few minutes and after being sat up straight by some strangers who came in and brought food aswell. Only after then was when I could let out some words. Barely.

"What... happened?", I muttered with my lips only a whisper being heard.

She burst again, "Why did you run away? To the woods of all places?"


"You have been unconscious for the whole day", she was still crying.

What's the time?

"Was this only because you were getting married yesterday?"

So the right time has passed. Good to know. But am I still getting married?

"Well you didn't. Are you happy now? You are the first princess in our entire family line to not get married at eighteen. Who knows what will happen to you now", she was scolding me now, but I could tell she was glad to see me awake.

What will happen to me now?

I couldn't ask the questions out loud, but all I could do was give her a confused look as to what she was talking about.

"The family believes that there's a serious consequence if you break the tradition. No one knows what or who started the tradition and no one knows what will happen to who breaks it. I'm just worried about you"

You only tell me this after my big decision to run away landing me with three scary wolves. About that...
Was I attacked?
I looked down to my hands and gently felt my face.

No injuries, marks, or bandages on me what so ever. What happened?

My head was banging again and I flinched in pain.

"You may rest now, Luna. Don't think about it too much, okay? You'll be fine", mother laid me down her concern visible. I reached for her face and wiped off the tears that were continuously flowing. She held the hand I was using and caressed it before putting it back down, "Rest", she sniffled and slowly walked out the room.

I finally let out the tears I was holding in. I looked beside me to the balcony window I escaped from not too long ago. I directed my attention to the noise going on outside my room. It was Estella talking to someone
She was close enough for me to hear what she was arguing about.

"But I also want to see her", she argued.

"The queen said you cannot as of now", I realized there was a person guarding by my door.

"You let mother in. I want to see my sister too", I heard her start crying and it made me want to sit up straight. And I did after putting in the little energy I had, "Luna! Luna! I know you can hear me! Luna!", She cried for me.

I noticed I was crying as well and I got myself up. I was now out of my bed looking towards where I was hearing my little sister from. I understand she was only just turned eight and would not be able to handle seeing me like this, but I wanted to see her. I just had to make it to the door.

As I took the first step forward, it was like my whole body gave up on me. Literally. I only let out a sigh when I wanted to say something. My head went blank and for a second it went dark only hearing myself drop to the ground.



There was a huge gap in my mind. I was blank and it felt like I was like this for a while. I don't know how long, but I could tell it was for a while. For some reason I could remember what just happened when I woke up to see mother's face, and I wasn't questioning that. I was questioning the fact that I was laying down on the bed again after just dropping to the ground seconds ago.
I couldn't open my eyes even if I wanted to. My arms and legs would not move. My thoughts were all over the place and fuzzy and I could hear a consistent beeping sound right next to me.

I just laid there as breathing was the only thing I could do right now. There was some tube in my mouth that I was breathing in and out of which I did not remember being there in the first place.

These moments of darkness and being unable to move felt like years. No matter how hard I tried to move, I could not.

Only after a while my patience and hard work paid off and I could finally open my eyes. My vision was blurry, so I couldn't see much. But I could definitely tell that this was not my room. Nor any other room that I know of in the palace.

What happened? What is going on?

I noticed fresh white roses in a vase beside me when I could finally see more clearer. And I confirmed I was definitely not in a familiar room.
It did look like a small bedroom with all the typical furniture and the bed I was lying on which was oddly smaller than a queen sized bed. Maybe like a single bed with only sheets I was laying on. There was a big window to my left, which brought some light in and fresh air. No one was in the room currently, but I heard people talking in low voices outside the room. I couldn't bother but realize the strange smell of the place. Antiseptic, but a little bitter and intense. I didn't like it. It was stuffy in here.

I heard footsteps. Heels click clacking towards the room I was in, "I'm at the hospital now. I'll just check on Janie for a while, and I'll call you again when I leave", I heard the door swing open and there she was. A lady with long curly dark brown hair with highlights of blonde. She had pretty hazel eyes and had magenta lipstick on her lips.

The lady who was talking to herself with something placed on her ear as she spoke. She dropped it in shock to see me. I stared at her as well because I didn't know what else to do.

Does she know me? Who is she?

"Jane?", she said still in shock to see me.


That will be the end of this chapter

There's a lot more exciting mysteries I have in store for this book. More plot twists aswell, so continue reading to find out
Watch as Luna's story unfolds. Maybe for the better. Or worse, I don't know.

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