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"Bal!" Ambrosius shook the sleeping boy awake.
"What...?" Ballister groaned as he pushed off the covers.
"The festival's today!" Ambrosius hopped up and down shaking Ballister's bed.
"What's festival..?" Ballister yawned pushing Ambrosius's hands off his bed.
"The festival in honor of Gloreth!"
"Duh!" Ambrosius spun around eagerly.
"There won't be any classes today so we could get out of the orphanage and explore," Ambrosius suggested.
"Now?" Ballister groaned as he rubbed his eyes still sleepy.
"Yes." Ambrosius nodded frantically.
"Ambrosius...I'm tired..." Ballister groaned as he pulled back the covers.
"Pleaseeeeee Bal!"
"These festivals don't happen all the time and this might be our one chance to go have fun under the director's nose!" Ambrosius started shaking the bed violently almost making Ballister fall right off.
"Okay okay fine!"
"Stop shaking the bed!" Ballister shouted at him.
"Just where is this Gloreth Festival?" Ballister stretched as he plopped out of bed.
"Follow me!" Ambrosius grabbed Ballister's hand and dragged him out of the orphanage.
Ambrosius dragged Ballister out into the open streets. The cool air from outside was far different from the woody smell in the orphanage. It was a nice change nonetheless.

It didn't take long for the two children to notice the smell of fresh food and colorful streets in the distance. It was a festival after all.
"It's right across the street," Ambrosius announced, proud of his accomplishment of finding the festival.
They waited for the street light to turn white before running across.
They ran down the sidewalk careful not to bump into too many people.

"Ta-da!" Ambrosius stood proud showing off the festive spirit that filled the air.
"Hold my hand so we don't get separated." Ambrosius tightened his grip around his hand.
Ballister had to admit he was in awe of the bright colors and amount of stands lined up against the edge of the street. Now he was quite glad that Ambrosius woke him up to see this.
"Is there anything you want?" Ambrosius asked noticing the lit-up expression on his friend's face.
"We can't buy anything, Ambrosius." Ballister deadpanned.
"I am the descendant of Gloreth, I have tricks up my sleeves." Ambrosius teased.
"Please don't use your ancestry to bribe people into giving you stuff." Ballister glared.
"Fine," Ambrosius grumbled.
"I'll only use it when people are being mean," Ambrosius suggested.
"Fine." Ballister sighed.
"Oooo!" Ambrosius cooed.
"What?" Ballister asked Ambrosius, confused as to what he was so amused by.
"Sweets." Ambrosius cheekily smiled at him.


"Ballister!" Ambrosius shouted.
No answer.
"And I'm lost..." Ambrosius chuckled nervously.
The blonde had managed to accidentally stray away from the designated street and his friend and was now wandering the empty streets with the setting sun.
He ran down the streets almost completely blind before they bumped into a girl.
Ambrosius fell backward from the impact.
"Wha-?" The girl looked to the side to see who bumped into her.
The girl loomed over him with bright pink hair and scuffed-up clothing.
"Who the fuck-?" She paused when she saw the boy in front of her.
An oh-so-familiar blond.
"I'm sorry I bumped into you." The blond apologized, his voice wavering.
The girl was silent, her eyes widened at the blond.
"Gloreth...?" Her voice was quiet and almost broken.
"I'm sorry?" Ambrosius asked, he couldn't hear her quiet tone very well.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Ambrosius Goldenloin." He replied, shrinking onto himself.
"I'm sorry to bother you." He apologized before running back the opposite way.
The girl stared at him until he disappeared around the corner.

"Ambrosius!" Ballister's voice echoed from across the street.
"Bal!" He ran toward him. Excited to be reunited again.
"Where were you!?" Ballister asked.
"I may or may not have gotten lost." Ambrosius painfully admitted.
"I bumped into his weird girl."
"She was creepy..." Ambrosius shivered.
"She kept looking at me like I betrayed her or something."
"I'm pretty sure she called me Gloreth too," Ambrosius muttered still creeped out by her shocked expression.
"Are you okay?" Ballister asked wanting to make sure his firmed wasn't hurt when they separated.
"I'm fine." He replied.
"The Gloreth statue!" Ambrosius pointed excitedly.
"We can find out way back to the orphanage from there!" Ambrosius grabbed Ballister's hand and ran down to the statue.
It wasn't long before they found the statue along with the way back to the orphanage.
"I got myself un-lost!"
"And even led us back home," Ambrosius said proudly.
"But you also got yourself lost in the first place." Ballister included.
"But now I'm un-lost because of me," Ambrosius concluded.
The two made sure nobody was watching or standing by the door before sneaking back inside.
"So was it fun?" Ambrosius asked as he plopped back on his bed with his bag of goodies.
"Very," Ballister admitted.
"I told you it'd be fun!"Ambrosius cheered.


The sun had completely set when the orphanage was finally asleep.
Expect for Ambrosius.
He had just woken up to an odd sound of tapping feet across the floor.
He looked around curiously and as well as frightened by what was making that noise.
The scurrying sound had stopped and the room was quiet.
Until he heard a squeak from behind him.
He jumped forward turning around to see what creature it was.
A rat.
It was a pink rat looking at him.
It wasn't doing anything, it just stared at him.
"Hello...?" Ambrosius awkwardly waved.
The rat suddenly skipped away after staring at him for a bit. Ambrosius stared at the rat as it snuck out through the window.
A pink rat?
"Bal...?" Ambrosius shook Ballister once again.
"What...?" He groaned.
"Can rats be pink?" He asked.
"What...?" Ballister asked, unsure if he heard the right thing.
"Can rats be pink?" Ambrosius repeated.
"No...now go back to sleep," Ballister answered.
Ambrosius lied back down.
Maybe he was just seeing things.

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