New Kid

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Can I just talk about how fucking adorable Bal is in the photo. I can't get over it. I want to hug him so badly. BUT HE'S FICTIONAL! 😭😭
Also, I haven't read the comic yet (idk if I want to cause it's pretty different from the movie, and the ending's fucking depressing as SHIT) So I'm sorry if some of the facts don't line up properly.

The director walked into the small class filled with mostly 8-year-old students. A small child followed from behind her. His long dark hair covered half of his face. The director lifted a single hand to quiet the class. And the room went silent.
"I know most of you have heard about the queen's decision about the new knight in training." The director smiled as she announced it.
"This is Ballister Boldheart." The director pushed the shy boy toward the class. The boy bowed once toward the class but kept his eyes focused on the floor.
A small blond boy perked up at the sight of the new knight.
So did another child. Expect his expression held more desire to make fun of the new kid than to make friends with him.
"Although he doesn't come from a noble bloodline, I want everybody to treat him respectfully." The director glared at everyone. The class nodded. Some full of sincerity.
Not so much.
"The queen has allowed for the next few days to be 'free days'. For Ballister to get used to the people and the school ground."
The class nodded once again. And the director left the room with a satisfied smile. As the director was leaving the room. Ballister looked toward her turned back in distress.
He can't do this.
He's not used to these royals and fancy stuff.
The door slammed shut. The noise made the small boy flinch. He looked over at his new class and saw all eyes were on him.
Ballister stared back nervously.
The silence was nerve-wracking. What was actually a few seconds felt like years to Ballister. Until a cocky ginger-haired boy stood up.
"Come on people! It's a free day! Let's go outside!" The cocky boy cheered. Soon the entire class jumped out of their desks and rushed outside. The ground shook aggressively as they all ran right passed Ballister. Nobody gave any attention to him. And quite honestly. Ballister was quite relieved.
Once he thought the entire class was empty he let out a relaxed sigh.
"Hi! I'm Ambrosius!" A loud voice chirped from behind him.
"Ah!" Ballister spun around falling to the ground as he tripped on his foot.
He landed on his chest, oblivious to the blonde boy directly in front of him.
"Are you okay?" The loud voice spoke again. This time offering a hand to the fallen boy.
This time Ballister got a good lock at the blonde boy. Beautiful blonde locks that glistened in the sunlight. Deep dark eyes that he could stare into for days.
Ballister lay on the floor. Staring at the boy still offering his hand.
"Ballister?" The boy spoke. Snapping Ballister out of his trance. The dark-haired boy quickly stood up.
"I'm so sorry." He apologized.
"For what?" The blonde boy cocked his head in confusion.
"Never mind that!" The blonde boy brushed off.
"I'm Ambrosius Goldenloin." The boy shouted excitedly.
Ballister stared wide-eyed.
"Like THE Goldenloin...?" Ballister asked completely flustered.
Ambrosius nodded as if it wasn't a big deal. And in reality, it wasn't one. Not for himself at least.
"I'm sorry!" Ballister bowed in front of the golden child.
"No, You don't need to do that!" Ambrosius laughed.
Ballister quickly corrected his mistake and stood back up.
Ambrosius stared at the nervous boy with a wide innocent smile.
After a few seconds went by Ballister spoke up.
"I'm sorry, do you need something from me? Cause I don't have much of anything." Ballister spoke softly.
"Wanna be friends?" Ambrosius said as he went onto his tippy toes and then back down. A weird little action he often did when he had a lot of energy or was a bit too nervous.
"You wanna be friends? With me?" Ballister looked around to make sure he wasn't crazy and that Ambrosius was talking to someone else.
"Yup!" Ambrosius repeated his tippy toes action.
"...sure...?" Ballister replied nervously.
"Yay! Come on! I'll show you around!" Ambrosius grabbed Ballister's arm and started to drag him around the school.

After a small tour of the building. Ambrosius led Ballister outside.

"What about Bal!?" Ambrosius jumped around him.
The last five minutes were just Ambrosius thinking of a nickname to give Ballister.
"I like Bal. Bal seemed like a cute little name." Ambrosius hopped beside the silent child.
The silent child blushed at Ambrosius's remark of his new nickname 'Bal'.
"What do you think?" Ambrosius asked happily.
"'s nice." Ballister blushed.
"Oh yeah, and this is the field. For when we run around to extinguish our energy." Something the blonde one has quite a bit of.
"Hey! There's this one place that I really like to go to."
"Come on, I'll show you!"
Ambrosius grabbed Bal's hand and ran up a big hill.
"Nobody really cares about this place so it's usually the perfect relaxation spot."
Bal nods and listens to every word that comes from Ambrosius's mouth.

"Here we are!" Ambrosius announced.
A small bench was on the top of the hill. A pretty big tree grew straight on the side of the hill. It grew straight out of the angled side of the hill making it curve as it grew.
"The best thing is since this tree grew here. You can lean against the fat trunk and just look at the sky.
Ambrosius carefully walked down the harshly angled side and hit the tree gracefully.
Ambrosius moved to one side of the fat tree trunk.
"Come down Bal."
The tree itself wasn't far down.
The hill itself didn't have much of a harsh angle to walk up and down on.
But the exact little area the tree was located on the hillside had a harsh slope. Annoyingly specific. Everything around that area was easy to walk up and down on.
Ballister slowly stepped downward toward the tree but ended up slipping. Ambrosius reacted quickly and took a few steps up the hill toward the sliding Bal.
Ambrosius hugged onto Ballister tightly as they hit the tree. Ambrosius taking most of the damage.
"Augh.." Ambrosius quietly mumbled out the pain.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Ballister panicked.
"I didn't mean to slip! Ah gosh..."
"Are you okay!?" Ballister asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, what about you?" Ambrosius didn't let go of the tight hug around Ballister.
"Hey, loverboys!" An annoying voice echoed from beside the two boys.
"Boldheart?" The boy laughed.
"Pfffttt! Boldheart!? Your the weakest person here!" The ginger boy kept poking Bal's shoulder.
"Hey leave him alone Todd." Ambrosius pulled Ballister a couple of steps away from the annoying child. Ambrosius tightened the hug and pulled Ballister closer to him. This made Ballister blush.
Being so close to him.
Why did he feel like this?
It's like something fluttering in his stomach.
"Fine." Todd didn't seem to be in the mood to mess with the golden boy. The ginger boy walked down the hill and rejoined his group of annoying kids.
"I'm sorry about him, his name is Todd. Nobody likes him." Ambrosius scoffed as he let Ballister go and sat him down right beside him.
The tree trunk was thick enough for both boys to lay side by side comfortably.
"Wanna know a fun fact about this little tree?" Ambrosius whispered eagerly.
"What?" Ballister asked.
"This tree kept bending as it grew so this tree is being stabilized by the tree's branches stabbing into the ground and twisting around everything else."
"Woah..." Ballister looked down the hill. He just noticed the curved trunk of the tree as the crown started to grow back into the dirt.

As Ambrosius kept talking about random facts and interesting stories. Ballister leaned his head into the golden boy's shoulder.
The blonde boy paused for a bit. That's when Ballister's heart starts to thump aggressively.

Shit...! Did he screw it up already...!?

As Ballister started to tense up and readying himself for Ambrosius to scold him. To his shock. He felt another head rest on his.
That's when Ambrosius's voice continued with his random facts. Just as happily as before.
Ballister sighed. His body relaxed.
Ballister never felt so comfortable around somebody.

Is this what having friends is like?
Or is this something else...?

Goldenheart OneShots (Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now