None of Mine

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* The sequel to Girl of Mine *

Book #2
— None Of Mine —
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It's the things you thought were yours. It's the lack of control and how you ought to make the most of what you have. Love for yourself or passed loves. There isn't a way to take hold of carried feelings, the actions of others, or time itself. It all just is, and you live to face it.

There is no play in reality before your eyes—like headlights in sight. They arrive before you know it.

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'The thoughtless act of keeping her behind the gates of Graceland was also a hasty safety-related choice. While I knew that was wrong, I felt extremely worried watching her go with Red-out of my sight. Out of my control.'

✑ Elvis, None of Mine

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No matter how vast your knowledge of Elvis Presley is, you can open this book if you heard of his name yesterday. Who he is, his life, and the historical events surrounding his time will gradually reveal itself. Sit back and let yourself be transported into the world of the 1950s.

None of Mine speaks of vital events from the past. It is essential to underline that it is marked as mature. This is due to themes included in the story, which will involve se*ual assault, violence, substance use/abuse, mental health issues, and address racism happening in the 1950s.

The reason for the inclusion is to raise knowledge of the past and be educational. Be aware, show progress, and improve one's mental health.

Book #2 of the Girl of Mine book series (5+ books)
In progress (38/? chapters)

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Schedule 📆

Weekly chapters will return when the first draft is completed and the book is in editing.

Chapters 1-3 will be released before then.

Chapter 1 - 2 will release later today, on the 17th of August.

Chapter 3 will be out on the 19th. I only planned on releasing two of them before completion, but thanks to Gauravaaditya , you'll get a third one 😉 I'll tell you why in the author's note!


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