They dated for more than 3 years, with him Win had his first time, the second, the third...

All this hidden, without anyone knowing, and for that very reason, they broke up, after all, her boyfriend at the time wanted more from the relationship, that more, Win couldn't give.


2 days after the conversation with Bright...

Win goes round and round with the spoon on his plate without actually eating, he's been staring at the table for a long time, he hardly blinks, he doesn't speak, sometimes it seems he wants to breathe.

Nani, who is sitting in front of him, observes him in silence and confusion, after all Win is not like that, he talks a lot, he is the type who always has something to talk about, but it has been two days since something seems to bother him.

Nani has asked him a few times but he always denies

Maybe it's test day anxiety looming, Nani thought, but still, something tells her there's more to come.

Nani: Are you not hungry?

Win: What?

Nani: We can go somewhere else, maybe just chill in the car

Win: No, here's fine for me

Nani: But you're not eating...

Win: Are you going to control whether or not I eat now?

With a higher tone than normal and a stressed and tired expression, Win gives an answer that is not usual, and Nani knew it well, Win was always very calm in the way he behaved, if he was acting like that, there was something.

So Nani didn't take Win's bad answer into consideration, instead he took a deep breath and with a tone of appeasement, asked:

Nani: Listen, why don't you tell me what's really going on?

Win: Nothing's going on, I'm just quieter today

Win's answer doesn't convince Nani at all, he doesn't know what exactly and why his partner would hide something from him. But he is.

Nani: You've been quiet the last two days and you're not like that, besides, if you're going to be rough with me, I'm leaving

After a short pause, Win seems to be choosing her next words better.

Win: Sorry...

Nani: It's the test isn't it?

With her two hands, Nani takes Win's right hand that is under the table, he strokes it slowly, looking at him fondly.

Nani: It's normal that you're anxious, it would be strange if you weren't

Win: I will not do

Nani: What? Like this? His life these past few days has been preparing for this test. Are you kidding?

Win: I wouldn't joke about that

Nani: And why wouldn't you take the test anyway?

Win: I just... Like I think...

Win takes her hand away from Nani's and rubs her hair nonstop, forcing herself to find a better way to speak. To lie better.

Win: I saw Bright rehearsing and he's on another level, he's going to pass this test for sure and I just want to save myself some embarrassment...

Win finishes the sentence somewhat hesitantly and avoiding making eye contact with Nani.

Nani: Win that doesn't make any sense

Win: Look, I have to go, I agreed to meet my mother today. We talk later

He gets up, pays the check and leaves, leaving Nani frustrated and completely confused.

If on one side there was a terrible liar, on the other there was a good intuitive. Nani didn't know what was going on, but she knew that Win's justification was a lie. And he would discover the truth on his own if it was the only way.

NANIWIN: AFTER YOUWhere stories live. Discover now