🦋Chapter 42🖤

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"Yes sir, it's according to the details you sent, there won't be a problem with any" he responded as we arrived in front of the car.

"Good" I said as the door was opened and I got in with him closing it afterwards.

"How about my gym, I hope everything's in other" I said as he hopped into the front passenger seat.

"Yes sir, everything's just how you asked" he responded as the drive started.

I'm temporarily moving out of this house, I need space from Maryam and her attitude, I can't stand it, if I need to heal and recover she's definitely not the kind of person I need in my environment.

"How about my medication?" I asked

"Your doctor's bringing it over as we speak he should arrive at the address before us" he responded

"Good" I said, that's right tomorrow's Friday that Alayna would be back in Nigeria by tomorrow, I can't keep her in the same house with Maryam they'll kill each other, neither can I let her live with me, I can't stand her even for a moment, she's my weakness and my pain, God I hate her so much for what she did, we would have been happy together but I guess I just wasn't enough for her.

"Sir your ex wife contacted me this morning and told me to inform you she'll be back from the states tomorrow morning" he said as I looked at him, I'm not interested in seeing her otherwise those feelings and memories would come back.

"Who's picking her from the airport?" I asked

"Her family were supposed to but she said she was pregnant with your child and you'll have to pick her up yourself" he said as I felt my blood boil, how dare she carry another's man child and have the audacity to call it mine.

"You know what, pick her up and bring her to my house" I said trying to suppress the anger within me

"Which?" He asked

"The one I'm moving to" I responded

"Okay sir" he replied

I'm going to have to teach her a lesson, I didn't want to face her before but now before she spread that lies of her to the world I'm going to deal with her, I gave her all the wealth and riches I had but that wasn't enough for her and now she wants to come back. You don't win a lottery twice and I'm going to teach her that.

The drive to my second house was a long one even though the road had no traffic but who cares least we've arrived and that's all that matters, I get down from the car and walked into the huge 9 bedroom mansion.

"Good" I said satisfied looking at how clean and in-order everything was, the workers are doing a good job.

I walked through to the living room greeted by several workers as I just nod through, it's been long since I saw their faces and never thought I would but Maryam made it possible, that woman.

"I'll send the doctor in now" Muhammad said as I nodded sitting on the long couch in the living room keeping my phone, wallet and necessities on the table.

"Do you need anything sir?" One of the maid asked as I responded no not sparing whoever she was a glance, I've come go the conclusion at this point in my life that maids are the only obedient ones and that to cause they're giving money or cause of the consequences they'll have to go through  if they dared to disobey.

"Good morning sir" I heard as I turned around to see my doctor, doctor Ahmad

"Good morning doctor" I said giving him a smile as I got up and shook his hand

"How is your health?" He asked as I sighed and we both sat

"I'm feeling so much better Alhamdullilah" I said as I stretched my arms out to the top of the couch and crossed my legs.

"And your wife?" He asked as my mind immediately went to Maryam.

"She's just the same as always" I responded, it's not like she's gotten any nicer so there's no need pretending that she's the best or that I care about however she's doing.

"I'll leave now" Muhammad said as I looked at him nodding.

"Don't forget your destination is here with her tomorrow morning" I said

"Of course sir" he responded as I nodded before he left

"Should we do a quick check up?" Doctor Ahmad asked as he brought out the blood pressure machine and I nodded, I was doing just fine till I got married to Maryam, it's best to know how much damaged she's caused so I could get rid of it.

Few minutes later we were done and to my surprise it was different, my blood pressure didn't get any higher in fact it reduces by 20. But she kept giving me problems and making me upset how the hell didn't it worsen.

Unable to believe we do the check up again and it's still the same, reduced by 20 how on earth, we run other test and to my surprise everything was getting better, I couldn't believe it and told the doctor all that happened with my chest yesterday and the previous times Maryam hit me.

His only response was that it was a miracle and I'm getting better even he can't explain, I don't understand, I should be feeling worse now, I should be administered more pills and have to be under more medication but instead the prescription changed and I was given lesser pills with lesser amount of injections.

Wow, after this, was it a good idea moving out from Maryam and deciding to stay with the woman that was the first reason for all this sickness.

Arman and Assar.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon