Chapter Thirty: Shades of Forever

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Aisha had watched a couple of Hausa films while growing up. She never fancied any though, because there was always a fault. The actors hardly put in enough efforts; they seldom acted like they weren't acting, some conversations were too long, some, too short, sometimes everything was just not done. Other times, Aisha Ahmad Makama could just do better than what she found there. But thanks to the couple she survived and a lot of girly gossips she found herself eavesdropping on, on campus, Aisha connected the dots and came to a stance; there were two ways a woman could lay in bed after a night. It was either staring at her partner with warmth in her eyes or the other way around, facing the wall in either anger or remorse.

Either ways, something always dawned on a woman when she woke up. For Aisha, what was going through her head was unheard of. It was neither a loud warmth or a huge anger or remorse. It was different, like peeping at her body underneath the sheets and turning red with shame.

Her eyes were round in surprise, almost as if an alter ego had taken over the night before and Aisha Ahmad Makama had just returned to see what she had done under the influence of an alter.

She silently groaned, turning her head to face the wall. 

Abdullah inched closer, wrapping a hand around her bare torso. Aisha jerked to a sitting position, prying his hands off, her eyes never went back to normal. It was the kind of feeling people felt when they woke up and found a body lying next to them, wearing nothing but a bare chest and their eyes go wide, first they know something happened and they're wondering how it happened, how they were able to... Allaahul Musta'an, had she been drunk?

'Yeah, drunk on Abdullah, high on his love.'

"Shut up!" She wanted those thoughts to stop.

"Good morning my princess, trust you slept well?" Well, maybe she said that a little higher than she was supposed to. Now she was doomed.

His voice was husky, carrying hints of a smile as he made a replica of her sitting position. Abdullah seemed to work well around this recent happening.

He moved close enough to rub his nose against her cheek. Oh, he was enjoying this. Aisha blocked it with her hand.

"Don't." She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole.

"Don't? You're ruining the mood, Aisha." He sounded whinny.

"There is no mood to ruin." Deep down she wanted both of them to forget anything happened. Abdullah was not having any of it. He was also not going to let her have any peace as well.

"I love dramatic women." He laughed, not giving her the space she wanted. "I should ask you where you learnt how to make a man's heart flutter so effortlessly, Indo."

She covered her head with the sheets and gasped when her eyes dropped on her bare chest, Aisha immediately uncovered her face and shoulders. Abdullah laughed, Aisha turned pink out of sheer mortification. She wasn't even trying to be funny, when will her chowder-headed husband realize that?

She was about to stare pointedly at him, she wanted to hiss loud and clear so Abdullah would drop it, but he sat shirtless, another reminder.

Aisha wrapped the sheets around her and sprinted towards the bathroom. She heard Abdullah's footsteps slowly following after her sprinted ones.

"Where on earth do you think you're going?" She was narrowing her eyes at him, all he had on was a pair of shots.

"I am taking a shower with my wife..." He beamed. Aisha wanted nothing more than to scrub the smile off of him.

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