Chapter Twenty-two: The Storm

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Abdullah's voice peered into the kitchen, slightly above a drained whisper.

Aisha unanticipatedly turned to face him and he was staring back at her with eyes that still hadn't fully adapted to the morning light. Apparently, every morning was not his most preferred time of the day and Aisha knew how to respect that, she made sure her movements were as tranquil as possible until Abdullah fully defrosted from his sleep.

Today, Abdullah appeared acutely pained and somewhat relieved at the same time. Aisha could not tell which among peace or war was more prominent.

"Breakfast would be served shortly Sir." Aisha bowed lightly and Abdullah passed a light chuckle, his head still held in both palms as if it would fall apart with any slight movement.

"Please I'd have it with a glass of warm water and Triptan." He spoke in a husk filled voice. Aisha realized the drugs had become a morning routine.

There was so much she wanted to ask and say to Abdullah about the frequent drugs. She refrained from it knowing it was not a good time and simply answered with a curt "okay."

She arranged the sandwiches on a flat plate before putting it over a wooden tray that had water and Triptan on it.

"Oh... I forgot to tell you, Fatima put to bed today." He stated casually and Aisha gasped. Okay, Abdullah's touchy morning mood was really getting headstrong.

"Oh my Allah... How can you forget?! It's a baby girl I know!!!" She yelled and Abdullah winced. For the first time that morning, Aisha looked into his eyes and found a set of blood shot red ones staring back at her.

"Please tell me you were so elated you couldn't sleep. That'll explain the bags underneath your eyes. What time did she give birth? Why didn't you wake me up to go see her at night?" Aisha gabbed, trying hard to stop herself from dancing.

"About three am in the morning?" He answered.

"Whatever, I'm getting my veil! Please take me to them." She begged.

"Not until it's 12pm. Morning visitations are not allowed." He answered, the rest of the conversation, or rather the 'questions and answer' session continued until Abdullah excused himself for work, making a promise to come back home before twelve pm.

* * *

"Well! I'm the latest mother in town!" Nafisah yelled, wrapping Aisha in an embrace.

"And the latest bride to be too." Aisha teased. That earned an eye roll from her sister in-law.

"I'm going to see them right now!" She shouted.

"But Abi says visitations aren't allowed until 12pm."

"That's for people who can wait. I can't." She laughed and Aisha pouted.

"Please take me with you."

"No. Carpool with Yaa Abdullah."

Aisha cracked at that, it wasn't even carpooling with him if she loved it.

"Speaking of which... What's up with him? I saw him this morning when he came home and it was so not good." Nafisah asked with a sudden concern laced to her tone.

"Mmmhm. Tell me about it. It's beginning to worry me. He takes Migraine medicines every morning for the past few months."

"Those migraines are back?" Nafisah's eyes widened.

"What? He had them before now?" Confused and worried, Aisha asked.

Nafisah answered in affirmation, filling her in on all the details.

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