Filler chapter 1

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(this is a filler for now until the next chapter,basically cute little moments between the characters,that won't make it into the actual chapters.)

Carmen's pov☆

It was a random Saturday and jade and I were driving to an abandoned building,Jade said it was going to be perfectly safe and we even brought spider along.

"I promise you the acoustics are perfect." Jade says as she parks the car.

"If you say so." I sigh and we get spider out of the car along with our duffle bags and we walk into the abandoned Mansion.

we start to walk around with spider on her leash and the house was in pretty good shape for something abandoned.

The oak walls,And old vintage furniture,we walked through the kitchen,living room and then we venture upstairs.

looking through each room finding alot of old things and a bunch if spider webs.

We then found a room at the end of the hall,it looked like a music room,It had a grand piano in the center and cabinets and bookshelves lining the walls.

"You ready to test the acoustics?" Jade questions me and I nod.

"Come here,sit." Jade says as she sits down at the piano bench.

I reluctantly sit next to her as she uncovers the perfectly intact keys.

"Watch this." Jade says eagerly as she starts to play fallen down from undertale.

even though the piano was serverly out of tune,it still sounded like it was ment to be.

"See I told you the acoustics were great." Jade smiles at me and I smile back.

"Spider seems to be enjoying herself on the couch." Jade laughs as the small feline stretches on the old couch.

"There's also a balcony,wanna go see?" Jade questions me and I nod and we walk to what seems to be a library and we stand on the balcony,spider at our feet.

"I Love you Carmen,nothing will ever change that,you helped me get out of a tight place more than once,I cherish you in my heart forever and always,You are my life,I love you so much." Jade confesses.

I grab her by the collar.and kiss her lips gently,She kisses back and grabs onto my waist.

We both pull apart and I smile at her,"Jade you're the best thing that's ever happened to me other than waffles,I can't imagine life with out you,You helped me talk to people now I have atleast you guys and a few other friends,You're the best girlfriend." I confess and I hug Jade tightly.


Jade and I were now driving to the park,We had long talks and took long walks,played with spider and even got ice-cream after,followed by Wendy's and a food coma

Jade and I cuddled for the rest of the day along with spider and All of my stuffed animals that spider didn't seem to like.

If this isn't true love I don't know what is.

_____________________________________ end of filler chapter 1

There will be a few more of these here and there and let me know what you want to see in the next filler chapter.

540 words

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